“Quite well, actually. They parted on good terms. I like Bea. We meet up for lunch at the country club every now and then.” Tersia rubs her belly. “She offered to take care of our baby on weekends to give us a break.”
“Wow, that’s very kind of her.”
“I gather your first meeting with the ex-Ms. De Luca didn’t go that well.”
“Not really.” I grin. “I doubt she’ll offer to babysit.”
“Sav loves you. That’s all that matters.”
The words are like salt being rubbed into a wound.
“Don’t look so grim,” Tersia says. “Everything is going to be fine.”
“Yes,” I say, knowing otherwise.
“I’m going to shop for baby furniture on Saturday. Why don’t you come with me? It’s so difficult to choose. I can do with a friend’s opinion.”
“I’d love to,” I say honestly.
“Good. I’ll let you know where to meet me.” She checks her watch. “Look at the time. I’ve got to run. Richard is meeting me at the ob-gyn for my monthly checkup.”
We get the bill and say our goodbyes.
I’m thoughtful during my walk back to the office, admitting a dire truth to myself. There’s a very real possibility that something may happen to me. If it does, I need to make sure my baby will be okay. Someone willhave to take care of her. Saverio promised I’d never want for anything. I don’t want to take his bribe money, but I have to set my pride and sense of righteousness aside for my child. I’ll take out a life insurance policy and invest whatever he gives me in a trust fund that will ensure my baby has every possible chance of having a good future. I’ll do whatever I must, but my child won’t grow up like I did.
My mind made up, I take out my phone and call Tersia.
She answers with, “Did you forget something?”
“I wanted to wait for the right moment, but maybe there isn’t a right time to ask.”
“Go ahead. I’m listening.”
I let the words out in a rush before I can change my mind. “Will you be my baby’s godmother? We haven’t known each other for that long, but it’ll mean a lot to me.” I add quickly, “Please take your time to think it over. I don’t want to put you on the spot.”
“Oh my God, yes,” she shrieks. “I’d love to.”
“Are you sure? I kind of dumped this on you.”
“It’ll be an honor.”
“Thank you,” I say, pressing a hand over my chest as if I could push the emotions that threaten to escape back in.
Because there’s a very probable chance that she’s going to end up raising my child.
The thought is so devastating that all my other cognitive functions shut down. I’m incapable of forming a suitable reply. All I can do is repeat the same words in a voice on the brink of breaking.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, honey. I’m going to be an amazing godmother.”
“I have no doubt about that,” I say, my voice still tremulous.
When I hang up, I look up a few insurance companies and download information about trust funds until I reach the office.
A brown paper bag lies on my desk. I sit down, put my handbag away, and open it. It’s the novel I bought for Zack. Frowning, I pull it out. A piece of paper flitters to the floor. I pick it up and unfold it. A note is scribbled in messy handwriting.
It’s kind of you, but I can’t keep this.