“I don’t know!” Alice rockets to her feet and begins pacing around my bedroom, brushing her hair back as she processes the bomb I just dropped on her.
“Side business selling drugs?” I suggest. “Insider trading?”
“Maybe!” She spins, throwing her hands in the air. “You’ve always been a mystery, Damien!”
I stand and go over to her, take her in my arms, and hold her tightly. “But that’s what you love about me. Isn’t it?”
I run my hand down her dress and cup her perfect ass and squeeze. She looks up into my eyes and bites her lower lip and shrugs.
“That…and many other things.”
I kiss her once again and hold her tight. This woman is mine. She belongs to me. She doesn’t need my money any more than I need hers. But at least we understand each other now. There will be no more confusion. Nothing hidden.
“So you were saying you were ‘thinking about’ leaving your job for me?” I ask, running my tongue across her lower lips, smiling puckishly at her.
Alice nods. “Yes.”
“Only thinking about it?”
Five years later…
I chugdown a post-workout protein shake and strip down as I step into spacious bathroom in our brand-new house in the British Virgin Islands. A house in the British Virgin Islands to escape the New York winter. It was my idea, and Alice loved it, although it took us a year to finally get down here. That of course was due to the fact that she was pregnant with Jackson, our first child.
I glance at myself in the full-length mirror once before I step into the shower. I was in great shape when I was a messenger in the city, but I’ve only progressed since then. Our in-house gym sure helps.
My abs are toned and cut, and my v-taper is more enhanced than ever. My arms have thickened, along with my shoulders and lats, which makes it even easier to just pick up Alice and throw her over my shoulder whenever the urge grips me–which is basically every day.
Our sex life has only progressed since we committed fully to each other. We’re a couple of freaks that feed off each other’senergy, and that’s never going to change. We simply cannot keep our hands off each other. Alice loves to dress up for me, and I love surprising her and taking her when she least expects it.
And then of course there is still the collar. Alice stepped down from her position as CEO but still does out-of-the-office consulting for her company from time to time, and when things get too busy, she begs me to put it on her and lead her around with the leash. She says it is the ultimate stress remover and turns her on more than anything else we do.
I step into the water and quickly wash off the sweat from my workout, then grab a towel and head to our shared bedroom and stare out the window that looks out onto the beach and the crystal-blue water as I dress. All I need around here in this perfect weather is a soft pair of shorts and a linen shirt.
My wife is out on the back deck with Jackson and his little brother, Kyle. The boys are playing in the sand while Alice sips a drink, watching them carefully like the wonderful mother she is.
If you ask me, she still has that maternal glow to her that somehow makes her even sexier. People say the glow fades after pregnancy or after giving birth, but my wife glows like a goddess, entrancing me every time I lay eyes on her.
Watching her now as she swings slowly on the hanging wicker sofa, while my two perfect little boys play together happily on the beach before her, I can do nothing but smile. This is where I’m meant to be. This is exactly what I want.
I feel this same wonderous bliss every day when I look at my family, and its intensity never fades.
“How are our little boys doing?” I say as I come up behind my wife and run my fingers through her hair. She turns, smiles, and looks up at me with such beauty that I feel myself starting to react like I always do.
She’s wearing a blue bathing suit beneath a white linen robe that is just barely see through, but standing above her from thisangle, I can see right down the top and am graced with a view of her ample cleavage. I swear she gained a cup size after Kyle, despite keeping her perfect body just the way it was when I met her.
“They’re building sand castles,” she says, reaching up and gently caressing my forearm with her soft fingers.
“Bigger! Make it bigger!” Kyle shouts and giggles to his older brother as Jackson stacks more and more sand onto his already enormous fortress.
“Bigger?” I laugh. “It’s nearly as big as both of them!”
“They must get it from us,” Alice says.
“What’s that?”