He’s listening intently, and not just hearing the words as they come out of my mouth. “Well, even if you are talented, which it sounds like you are, being a corporate-career person isn’t what everyone wants to do with their life.”

I sigh and lean against the couch. “I’m starting to feel more and more like that every minute I spend out here with you.”

I can hardly believe I’m speaking to him like this.

Back in the city, I’m used to being so closed off and protective of my feelings. That’s just the way you have to be to survive in the business world when you’re around so many different people who are all vying for your position.

I’ve known this man for three days and yet I feel as though I’ve known him for three years. It’s like my heart speaking a truth to me, a truth impossible to ignore:

This is the man for me.

“You know whatI’mfeeling, city girl?” Tyson smiles.

I feel myself blushing for some reason. I smile back. “What’s that?”

“I’m starting to feel like the entire reason I came out here and built this cabin in the first place was so you’d get lost hiking one day and I’d end up meeting you.”

It’s incredible just how charming this man can be–this man who frightened me when we first met. This man who now speaks to me like a romantic poet.

“I like that theory.” I smirk, feeling so tiny and so cute in comparison to his size. “You know what other theory I have?”

“What’s that?”

“This theory that I don’t go back to Goldman Sachs,” I say softly. “That I just stay up here with you in this cabin. Of course I’ll have to go get some more of my clothes at some point, but my theory is that if I just stay up here and am nice and do lots of ‘traditional’ things around here for you, we’ll both be happy.”

Tyson’s eyes narrow, and he looks intently at me as though he’s examining me with immense curiosity. He twists on the couch so he’s fully facing me and sets his hot chocolate on the coffee table.

“Penny. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

My heart is fluttering like a butterfly inside my chest. I don’t even know what I was doing when I just spoke. The words just sort of found their own way out of my lips. I was not prepared for this.

What is wrong with you, Penny? Why did you open your big mouth!?

“I am!” I blurt out, nearly spilling my drink as I set it down beside his. I feel like my chest is about to explode.

“You know the proposal is normally done by the man, right?” He smirks.

I am so nervous I actually start shaking. “Okay, well let’s just say I amproposingto be your trad-maid for the foreseeable future. And if you decide to act on anything down the line…”

“Trad-maid?” He laughs.

“Yeah.” I grin, moving in close and pressing my breasts against his chest. I’m still so horny after watching everything he did to rescue me. “Nice and traditional. I’ll live here, I’ll cook and clean for you, and you can have mewheneveryou want. How’s that sound?”

Tyson grins like a male animal that’s just laid eyes on its mate. “That sounds like something I coulddefinitelylive with.”

He grabs me and quickly strips me naked before I can even process what’s happening. Off goes my shirt, down go my pants, off go my panties.

Yes. Take meis the only thought in my mind.Take me, Tyson!

And he does.

With no build-up. No seduction. And he’s sure as hell not gentle. He tugs his pants down and lets loose a massive erection, which is instantly buried inside me, right up to the hilt. A scream erupts from my throat as its length and thickness stretch me hard.

I snatch on to his broad shoulders and hang on as he slams deep inside me, ramming me like he owns me. Like I belong to him.

Which I guess I do now, considering he was the man to claim me. The one to take my virginity. And as far as I’m considered, he’ll be the only one to ever have me.

“I like this idea of me being able to have you whenever I want you,” he growls into my ear.