Page 45 of Loco

A sarcastic smirk spread across his face. “And I’m sure there’s nothing going on in your club that might have caused someone to come here out of retaliation.”

My brows shot up. “Retaliation for what? We’re a law abiding, upstanding MC.” I thought about the club business that I’d just taken care of. I had blood on my hands. Sometimes we were forced to do shit to protect the club, its members, and their families. “Everyone loves us.” I could barely keep a straight face as his scowl grew in response to my words.

He finally snorted, walked to the door, and closed it behind him.

My eyes zeroed in on Millie. She was up and out of her chair and back into my arms where she belonged. I crushed her against me and buried my nose in her fragrant hair, inhaling deeply. The coppery curls smelled freshly washed and were silky soft. I’d missed her, and that was something new for me.

“I’m so glad you’re back,” she mumbled against my chest, burrowing deeper.

“I’m filthy, darlin’.” I’d planned on taking a shower before crawling into bed with her. “Rode straight here from Denver.” Ten hours on the road without stopping except for a piss.

She hugged me tighter. “I don’t care.”

“Tell me what happened, baby.”

“I was so scared, Loco.” She pulled back enough to look up at me. “It was Russ and his friends again.”

Fucking assholes. Russ and his friends were turning out to be a bigger problem than three little druggies who committed petty crimes to feed their habits should be. And this was the second time they’d approached Millie. They were sleezy little fucks who’d managed to evade our grasps by going underground where all the other fucking derelicts lived. I should have taken care of Russ that day at his grandma’s house, but he owed the club money and a dead man couldn’t pay up. I’d rectify that as soon as fucking possible.

“You saw them?”

She shook her head. “I recognized his voice. He thinks I’m a snitch.”

I nodded, forming my own opinion as to why. “Probably thinks I showed up at his grandma’s because you called me. Blames you for the beatdown he got that day.”

She took a couple of steps back. “Howdidyou know to show up that day?”

I grinned and raised my brow.

She rolled her eyes and pressed her pretty lips. “Will club business be the standard response to every question you don’t want to answer?” There was mild annoyance in her tone.

“If it’s club business, then yes,” I responded, making no apologies for the hard truth. “There will be a lot of shit I can’t talk about, darlin’. Doesn’t mean I want to keep secrets between us.” I pulled out my phone and texted Demon that we needed to call church.

whats the problem?

russ and his gang showed up at millie’s and scared the fuck out of her

fuck she ok?

yea someone called the cops but she didn’t say anything bout who they were

smart girl

I looked across the few inches that separated Millie from me. Fuck, she was stunning, standing there barefoot with those wild fucking curls and wearing a robe that was now smudged with dirt from my hands. I wanted to see my handprints on her naked body, too. I wanted to dirty her up on the outside and fill her with my cum on the inside. My dick jerked at the thought

beautiful 2

I could imagine Demon grinning and was glad I wasn’t there to see it. Once my brothers knew that I was claiming Millie they were going to make my life fucking miserable.

church 7am

Satisfied, I slipped my phone back into my pocket, not taking my eyes off Millie. I let my gaze move over her unhurriedly, wondering if she was naked beneath the robe, eager to find out. “Missed you, darlin’.”

She gave methelook, the one that said she was slightly pissed at me about something, and I had a pretty good idea what it was.

“You missed me so much that you couldn’t call or text?”

I played it off. “You worried about me?”