He threw his head back and laughed. “Good. You should be.”
What did he mean by that? I watched him mount his bike, and as he brought his leg over the seat his thick thighs stretched the worn denim of his jeans. I tried not to notice, but failed badly, the significant bulge behind his zipper. Lord, he was a fine specimen, as fine as Viola’s friend, Bull, and Lissa’s man, Frenchie. In fact, most of the Desert Rebels that I’d seen were built like magnificent Gods and had the whole sexy package--muscles, looks, and definitely attitude.
I wondered what Loco was like in bed, and then why that thought had suddenly popped into my head.Shit!
“What do you feel like eating?”
I blinked at his casual question and reluctantly came back to the present. “I’m good with anything. Hence my voluptuous curves,” I joked.
He said nothing in response to my joke, but his eyes spoke loud and clear. He liked my curves.
“Follow me, darlin’.”
“You better go slow.”
He acknowledged me with a grin but said nothing as he started his bike and I climbed into my car. As I followed Loco, I wondered what I was getting myself into. He’d made his intentions clear that day in the pool. If he’d pressed a little that day, I’d have probably given in to him right then and there, he’d had me so turned on. But now I’d had time to think about it, and all the reasons I should stay away from him.
It didn’t bother me that Loco belonged to a biker club. I didn’t lump them into the same criminal category that most of the public did. There were men wearing ties and suits that were criminals, too, they just didn’t go around in a gang that easily identified them as such. Stereotyping seemed to come naturally to people, but I’d always tried to keep an open mind and not judge anyone until I knew them better.
What did bother me about Loco was that I got the impression that he was used to women falling at his feet, expected it even. He personified the sexy, dirty-talking biker in attitude and in the clothes that he wore. I mean, what girl wouldn’t be attracted to his strong, muscular physique and the way that he filled out a pair of jeans, or the way the muscles and veins worked when his arms were moving?
His eyes when he looked at me were filled with dark promises of things to come. One thing was for sure--Loco had charisma, and he knew what he was doing. Was I strong enough to ignore it? And why would I? I smirked at myself as I followed him into the parking lot of a small restaurant. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself. Loco had voiced his intentions, yes, but it could have been just to get a reaction out of me.
I parked and turned off the ignition, watching Loco in my review mirror as he backed his bike up against the building. I passed this place every day, but I’d never eaten here before. It wasn’t a chain restaurant and had no drive-thru. Most of the time I was in a hurry in between jobs and would usually just grab something from a fast-food place.
By the time I exited my car and was walking toward Loco, he’d gotten off his bike and was leaning against it, waiting for me. His long legs were crossed at the ankles, his arms crossed over his chest, and he was wearing a grin. It was the look in his eyes that did me in. Loco had a way of expressing what he wanted, and he wasn’t afraid to let his eyes linger on my breasts or between my legs. By the time I reached him I was near melting with arousal.
As a redhead, when I blushed or was embarrassed it showed. I felt the heat do a slow crawl up my neck and into my cheeks, a hated betrayal that gave my feelings away. My eyes flickered down to the front of his pants to see if he was hard. The amused reaction I got from Loco told me that he’d noticed me looking.
I rolled my eyes. It was better than sticking my tongue out at him like a five-year-old.
He laughed loudly but wisely kept quiet.
I decided to pretend that I wasn’t turned-on and that he didn’t have a hard-on pounding behind his zipper. “I’ve never eaten here before.”
He straightened from his bike and took me by the hand. “You’re in for a treat. It doesn’t look like much, but the food is plentiful and good.”
We stepped inside the door. It didn’t take me long to scan the small restaurant and its handful of occupants. They seemed to be enjoying their food over conversation. A single server was moving about the room, refilling drinks. She glanced up when the bell on the door rang.
Her face lit up when she saw Loco. “Take a seat anywhere, handsome. I’ll be right with you.”
Handsome?Well, that wasn’t obvious! I didn’t say anything as I let Loco pull me over to a table by the window. I climbed in on one side and he took the other. “Thank you.Handsome.”
“Why would I be jealous? We aren’t anything to each other.”
The server scurried right over as if her skirt were on fire. “What can I get you to drink?”
A look of annoyance crossed over Loco’s face. “The lady and I will have a beer.”
If he’d meant his comment to draw attention to the fact that he wasn’t alone, it didn’t work. She didn’t take her eyes off him. I could understand why, but she didn’t have to be so obvious about it, especially while I was there. It was rude of her to ignore me, but I knew her type, and she apparently knew Loco.
“Your usual?”
“Two,” he said, drumming his fingers against the table.
“Well, that was obvious,” I said once the server had left.