Page 87 of Loco

“No, but I could have answered for myself,” I scolded lightly. I rolled my eyes.

“Watch those eye rolls, darlin’.”

I blushed hotly, recalling how he liked to punish me. “You do things that irritate me, too,” I muttered.

He laughed. “Like what?”

I pressed my lips and began to count them off in my head. His bossiness, his possessiveness, his recklessness, the control he liked to have…I realized that I could name a few more, but discovered that all of his annoying faults were also things that I liked about Loco. He made me feel protected and safe. His possessiveness wasn’t the stifling kind. It was his way of showing that he really cared for me. Did he love me? Maybe.

“Why you smiling, babe?”

“Never mind,” I breathed. “There’s too many to mention.”

He threw his head back and laughed, and then reached for my hand as he scooted back his chair. “Come on, darlin.” He dropped some money down on top of what Doc had left, and then he pulled me out of the restaurant.

We walked silently to his bike. When we got there, he leaned against it and pulled me flush against him. I could tell that he had something to say. He pushed my hair back behind my ears, and the warmth in his eyes moved slowly over my features, almost lovingly. I licked my bottom lip and his eyes clouded over, following the movement of my tongue. My lips parted when one hand moved to curl around the back of my neck, and the other buried itself in my hair. With a low growl, he pulled my head back slightly.

“You going to kiss me, baby?” I knew that he liked it when I called him that. His pupils dilated until his eyes were almost black. He moved in close, and I held my breath with anticipation. Loco knew how to use his lips like a sex toy, and as they skimmed over mine in the lightest of touches, arousal blossomed in my core. I arched my hips against his hungrily, not caring that we were in a public place.

I made a sound of disappointment when he broke the smoldering, toe-curling kiss.

“You have any fucking idea how much I like you, darlin’?” His words were softly spoken against my lips and meant only for me.

I could only nod, because I knew. He hadn’t said the words, but a woman knew when a man loved her. I was confused by the sudden, hot sting of tears in my eyes. “I like you, too,” I admitted in a choked tone.

“Then why the tears?” His thumbs brushed them away.

I shrugged, unable to speak.

His grin caused my heart to swell with deep emotion. “Is it because you can’t live without me?”

I nodded.

“Is it because we’re so fucking good together?”

Again, I nodded.

“Then we’re on the same page, because I can’t live without you either. I want us to move in together.”

That was the last thing I’d expected Loco to say. “What?”

Did he expect me to move into the clubhouse with him?

“Do you want that?” He kept me snug against him.

More than anything. But--and there was always a ‘but’--was it too soon? I knew in my heart that this was man was it for me. Even if we didn’t make it, there would never be another man to take his place. He’d already ruined me for anyone else.

“Yes, I want that, Loco.” God, I wanted it more than anything. “You don’t think we’re moving too fast?”

“Fuck, no, darlin’.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Truth is, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. I want you to be part of my life, babe, and taking you back to the clubhouse or me going to your place at night isn’t working for me. I want us to get our own place.”

Our eyes met and held. I sensed that he was waiting for me to respond in some way. I couldn’t deny that living with Loco sounded exciting. Our relationship was definitely moving in the right direction. “I’d like that, baby.”

He groaned and crushed me against him. “That shit gets me every time,” he mumbled against my neck.

I laughed softly, and then moaned when I felt his mouth close over my skin. He sucked hard, and I knew that he was going to leave a mark. I had several on my body now. Loco definitely liked to leave his mark on me, and the thought of it turned me on. When he was done, I dropped my head against his shoulder with a good feeling about our future.

“Let’s go home so I can fuck you properly,” he said hoarsely as he smoothed his hand up and down my back.