“You’re wrong, Russ. I don’t keep money here for this very reason.”
“And yet you always happen to have some when Sheryl and Joanne come around,” he ground out. “Don’t make me hurt you! Just give me some fucking money!”
I’d heard enough. I couldn’t get to my phone, but I could go to a neighbor for help. I pushed away from the dresser to leave.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Russ demanded, reaching out for me. I sprinted past him and left the room.
“Don’t hurt her, Russ!” Helen yelled out in panic.
I’d barely taken a few steps down the hallway when Russ spun me around and pushed me up against the wall. “You’re not going anywhere until I say so!”
“Get off me!” I gave him a shove, but he was stronger than he looked. He shoved back with his whole body, crushing me against the wall. The smirk on his face revealed that he was enjoying himself. “How much do you need?” I’d give him the fucking money myself just to get him out of there. I wasn’t scared of him; I was scared for Helen.
His toothy grin showed a mouth full of yellow, nasty teeth, and I turned my head so I wouldn’t have to breathe in his stinky breath. “Now we’re talkin’, bitch.”
If I hadn’t thought that it would come back on Helen I would have kneed him in the balls.
“I need a grand.”
Damn. I hadn’t been expecting that. I might have to knee him in the balls after all.
“I don’t have that kind of money!” I rushed out with astonishment. “I have forty dollars in my pocket.”
He shook his head with a snort. “Not even close. Guess it’s back to grandma.” He made it sound like a threat, and I was right back to being worried about Helen again. I loved the old woman. Even though she was a client, we’d become close, and I thought of her as I would my own grandma, if I had one.
Maybe I should knee him in the balls and make a run for it to one of her neighbors,I thought to myself. I turned the thought into action and brought my knee up, not holding back. I hit Russ’ balls with all the force I could muster, and the second he doubled over I shoved him away and took off.
“Fucking bitch!” he groaned in a tone that warned me that if he got his hands on me again it was going to hurt.
I had a clear shot to the door, and knew exactly where I was going. Edna Willoby next door should be home. I’d use her phone and call the police. Movement behind me told me that Russ had recovered faster than I’d hoped. He was stumbling down the hallway toward me, swearing up a storm and threatening me with bodily harm.
The door was in sight, but I didn’t make it. A streak of orange ran out in front of me, and I stumbled in an effort not to run over Owen. A cry escaped me when Russ caught up to me. I felt his hand grasp the back of my shirt as he dragged me backwards, the sound of the material ripping seeming overloud in the room.
Realizing that I had nothing to lose, I let out a scream, hoping that my voice would carry to someone outside since I’d left the front door open. “Help!”
“Fucking cunt!” Russ snarled in my ear. He jerked me against him roughly. “You’re gonna be sorry you did that,” he threatened, breathing hard.
“No, Russ!” I heard Helen plead from somewhere behind him, the sound of her cane tapping on the wood floor as she hurried to catch up.
I threw my elbow back and was rewarded with a loudumphwhen I connected with his ribs. As soon as he let go of my shirt I hit the screen door running, slamming it open so hard that it banged against the side of the house. The ferocious roar behind me urged me to keep going, and I made a beeline for the house next door.
“Oh, no you don’t, bitch!”
I screamed out when I felt a hand grab me by the hair. I slipped and fell to the ground, bringing Russ down with me. I heard Helen cry out for Russ to leave me alone as he rolled me over and pinned me down. I was vaguely aware of a loud rumbling sound, but brushed it aside to focus on the shrieking man on top of me.
For a little man he was surprisingly strong, but I had fear and adrenaline working on my side. He had my wrists pinned to the ground, but I managed to break one free. I reached up and clawed at his face just as someone tackled him off of me. I looked to the side where the two men had rolled, blinking with disbelief and confusion.
What the hell?
“Get in the house!”
I didn’t move at first. I was too surprised to see Loco there. So shocked by the unexpected turn of events that all I could do was lay there and watch the two men go at it for a minute.
What was Loco doing there?
Chapter 5