Fuck!Millie’s comment went straight to my dick as I imagined doing exactly what she’d suggested. I didn’t care if she was joking. She’d said it, and now I intended to make it happen. All the other bullshit that I’d thought until then went right out the fucking window. How could I have ever thought that I could ignore her? I wanted the sassy little redhead with the sparkling green eyes, and if I only ever had her once, I’d make that enough.
Fuck the night away? Yeah, baby, I can do that.
Leslie came back to the table with our beers. My eyes landed on the deep V of her uniform as she reached down, just as she’d known they would after she’d undone a few more buttons to entice me. I smirked as my gaze traveled up to her eyes. The invitation in hers was palpable, but she should have remembered that the last time I’d fucked her I’d made it clear that we were done.
I probably shouldn’t have gone back for seconds, but I’d been drunk off my ass and she’d taken advantage of me. I snorted inside at my laughable excuse.
I didn’t give her time to ask if we were ready to order. I looked across the table at Millie. “Ready to order, darlin’?”
She smiled up at Leslie. “I’ll have the Reuben please, no fries.”
“And I’ll have the double cheeseburger with extra fries.”
Leslie gave me a wink before leaving to put our order in.
Millie’s soft laugh had a bit of annoyance to it. “I take it you two have history.”
“That’s exactly what it is, Millie--history. Have I fucked her? Yes. It’s been at least four months, and there’s been a dozen since her.” She flinched, but I believed on honesty.
She took a sip of her beer, either to buy some time to digest what I’d just said or to ignore it altogether. It occurred to me that if she had been any other woman I wouldn’t have even offered up that much about my life. It was no one’s business who I fucked. Most of the women I associated with knew me or were familiar with the club, and knew what kind of men we were.
Those of us who weren’t tied down, anyway.
“So I can assume that after tonight, I’ll be history, too?” There was no anger in her voice, no disappointment, just the need for an honest answer.
Our eyes remained locked as I considered my answer. Christ. It occurred to me that I was sitting in a restaurant with a beautiful woman, something I’d never done before except when I’d been out with a group of my brothers and their old ladies. I didn’t usually spend time with women because I was afraid they’d get the wrong idea. I didn’t want to end up like my brothers--saddled down with women and rug rats.
That wasn’t for me. I was too set in my whorish ways to be faithful.
She released a sound of impatience. “Wow, Loco. A simple yes or no will suffice.”
I grinned at her snark. The fire in her eyes set my pulse racing. I wondered if that same fire would be there when I was fucking her senseless. Everything about Millie made me feel alive. It was as if she were surrounded by an arc of sizzling electricity that charged anyone nearby. I wanted to grab hold of the blazing hair surrounding her pretty face and slide home between her thick thighs. Wanted to hear her scream my name.
Not Loco. My real name.
I shook my head from the nonsense filling it.
“I don’t want to hurt you, darlin’.” That was the fucking truth.
“Then just be honest with me, Loco.”
“If I knew the answer, I’d give it to you.” That was the truth, too.
There was something about her, something that was keeping me interested in her beyond her tits and ass. She was sweet and not my usual type, but damned if I didn’t feel that I deserved her. Even a bad man deserved some good in his life. Right?
Leslie brought our meals and we used the next few minutes to eat in silence. I had to question what I was doing. I knew I should just say goodnight after we were finished and ride back to the club. But I realized even as I was thinking it that my dick didn’t want any of the women from back there. He wanted the innocence sitting across from us.
The image of a naked Millie laying beneath me caused my dick to press against my zipper. Fucking hell, I knew what I was going to do. Why deny us what we both wanted? I’d follow her home and fuck her six ways to Sunday and when the sun came up, I’d deal with shit then.
“That was really good.” She wiped her mouth with her napkin and sat back. Laughter escaped her when she eyed my empty plate. “I can see that your hamburger and fries must have been really good, too.”
“Best hamburger in town,” I responded, reaching for my wallet. “Glad you enjoyed your sandwich.”
She noticed what I was doing and reached for something in her pocket. “Oh, wait—”
“I got it.”