Page 12 of Loco

“What’s obvious?”

“That you’ve slept with her.”

He didn’t deny it. “How is that obvious?”

“You didn’t watch her walk away.”


I shrugged. “You’re no longer interested in her because you’ve screwed her already.”

“You think I fuck ‘em and leave ‘em?”


He leaned across the table, holding my eyes with a serious look. “You’re right, darlin’. Except for club whores, I rarely fuck the same woman twice. I like sex, a lot of sex, and I like variety.”

“A man-whore.”

“I wear the crown proudly.”

Menus were on the table, and I reached for one, deciding to change the subject. While I pretended to look it over, my mind raced. At least Loco had laid his cards on the table, but I was so disappointed by his admission. The fact that he’d admitted that he was a man-whore so readily was a big turn-off, and revealed exactly what any woman could expect from him.


I had no problems with people like him. Sex was a natural behavior, and people approached it differently. There was no right or wrong, as long as it took place between consenting adults. But his comment held an underlining warning for me. If I slept with him, it would be with the understanding that nothing was going to come of it. My problem with that was that I didn’t think I could keep my feelings out of it. There was something about Loco that held my interest just as much as the physical attraction between us.

He frightened me, but it excited me.

He was dangerous, but it made me feel alive.

He was intense, but it made me hot.

I had a feeling that getting involved with Loco would leave me satisfied yet broken. Could I give myself to such a man? Yes. But could I walk away after? That’s what scared me most. What if I wanted more than what he could give me? I wasn’t sure that I wanted that kind of heartache. Maybe I should just invite him back to my apartment, screw his brains out, and then send him on his way with a comment like, “Our one and done is done. Have a good life.”

I wasn’t sure I could be that callous.

I gave up trying to focus on the menu. “What’s good here?”


I sighed heavily. “You’re not much help.” I scanned over the sandwich offerings, deciding on the Rueben, and closed the menu.

I glanced up and fell right into Loco’s slightly amused eyes. Had he been watching me the whole time? It didn’t appear that he’d even glanced at a menu, but was just sitting there, his arm resting over the back of the booth, staring at me.

“Know what you want?”

Why did I get the feeling that he wasn’t talking about food?

I leaned forward, keeping eye contact, deciding to play his game. “After we eat I want you to follow me back to my place so we can fuck the night away.”

I meant it.

My comment had stunned him, if his silence and the expression on his face were any indication.

Victory tasted sweet.

Chapter 7