Page 1 of Loco

Chapter 1


Holy shit!

As soon as my eyes lit on the stunning redhead, I fucking wanted her. And when she cast those mesmerizing green eyes on me, I knew the attraction went both ways. She tried to hide it, but the color flushing her pretty round cheeks, and the way she parted those full, kissable lips as if she were surprised by her reaction to me, revealed the truth.

And being the man-whore that I was, my dick stood up and took notice.

I was suddenly glad that I’d accompanied Frenchie to see his new woman, Lissa. I’d barely taken the time to admire her obvious attributes, nor the tiny blonde sitting next to her. I couldn’t drag my fucking gaze off the curvy siren with them. She had tits that made my palms itch with the need to get a hold of them. My other hand clenched with the thought of grasping her by all that wild hair and then taking her mouth in a kiss that would stake my fucking claim.

Claim?Oh, hell no!

I couldn’t believe the shit that was going through my head. I was the club man-whore, and I had a reputation to uphold. Club bitches were already complaining that my brothers were deserting them for permanent pussy, and I’d sworn it wasn’t going to happen to me. Nope. No way was I giving up free and easy pussy with no strings attached for any single woman. No matter how fucking enticing she was.

"Heard you were going to be spending some time at the pool," I heard Frenchie say in his thick accent.

All at once I had three beautiful women looking at me. "Got a swim invite," I added. A laugh burst out of the red-headed goddess before she could stifle it behind her hand.

I stared down at her, willing my dick to behave even though I knew that it was too fucking late. My eyes kept going back to the huge, beautiful tits spilling out of her top. "Got something to say, darlin'?"

I could tell that she was slightly embarrassed and shy. "I'm sorry, it's just that you don't look like you're prepared to go swimming. I mean . . . " Her voice trailed off as she gestured towards the clothes I was wearing with an up-and-down motion of her hand.

I looked her over with growing trepidation.Christ.It wasn’t new for me to want a woman as soon as I met her, but I couldn’t remember wanting to fuck one as badly as I wanted to fuck her. She was wearing shorts, and I wondered what she had on underneath them. A sexy thong tucked between the juicy cheeks of her ass, or something that left it to the imagination?

The silence reminded me that she was waiting for a response. "Darlin', I'malwaysprepared." I kept my eyes on her as I slowly peeled off my clothes until I got down to my boxer briefs. "Just be glad I'm wearing underwear today; I usually go commando."

She blushed prettily and I ate that shit up.

“What’s your name again, darlin’?”


I offered Millie my hand. "Let's get wet."

Her slight hesitation, along with the way that she glanced at her girls, brought a smirk to my face. If she thought that they were going to save her from me, she was dead wrong. She’d learn soon enough that nothing would. As I led her to the steps, I noticed her hand trembling slightly. Once there I stopped and turned toward her. “Take off your shorts.”

Her brows arched high on her forehead as if she couldn’t believe my nerve. I grinned and waited.

“Um, that would be a no,” she finally said softly.

“Why? You naked underneath?” The thought of that made my dick twitch with excitement. I let my eyes roam down her body and back up again, growing hotter by the second.

Her pretty mouth formed a perfect O. “No!” she said in shock, and with a little more color in her cheeks.

“Then take them off, darlin’.”

She pressed her mouth tight for a second, her eyes sparkling with irritation and something else. My eyes took her in again, this time taking note of her fuller curves. Huge tits. Wide hips. Thick thighs and ass. All wrapped up in a nice, shapely package that was all woman I could get lost in, soft and tempting. Was she ashamed of her body? Is that why she didn’t want to take her shorts off? The thought pissed me the fuck off. She had nothing to be ashamed of.

It was clear that the longer we stood there, the shyer and more withdrawn she became.

“Look, darlin’, I don’t know what the problem is, but if you’re worried about a little extra weight, I can tell you that it’s in all the right places and you’re fucking perfect. I’m going to love the way you feel when I’m fucking you.”

A snort burst from her. “You don’t mince words, do you?”

“Hell, no. And one more thing--” I leaned in close, “--when I want something, I get it. Might not be today, but it will happen. And, darlin’, I want you.”

“Wow,” she said with something akin to awe. “I don’t even know how to respond to that.” A smile quivered on her mouth. “Or what to do next.”