Page 45 of Ruthless

I relaxed, knowing that I could count on Tanner and his club. Daytona was his town, and he knew it well. "You did it by showing up, brother. But I'll take you up on your offer. Can you work the streets on a lead where they might have taken her? Della heard them mention something about a man looking for girls."

"Fuck, a flesh peddler," Tanner stated, his expression serious. "I know that shit goes on, but usually by the time we hear about it the key players have already packed up and left town. Their people remain tight-lipped, because they're paid good money for the girls they find."

"It’s kind of why I'm in town, for a job that involves a politician's daughter gone missing." I knew that I could trust him not to mention it to the wrong people.

Tanner's brows shot up at that. "Do I want to know?"

Again, I shook my head. "You know me, brother. Most of my dealings are with people on the wrong side of the law. I know how you feel about your town," I smirked, mounting my bike. "The Feds are involved in this one."

"You're working with the Feds?" he asked incredulously.

"Fuck, no," I scowled. "Just happens they have a raid planned for the same place. We plan to move in earlier to avoid them."

Tanner grinned knowingly. "You're talking about Marcus Duponte. I have my own sources, brother. The fact that we know what the Feds have planned is the only reason we haven't made a move on him. We don't want his kind of operation in our town."

"Yeah, it’s about time he got shut down." I started my bike.

Tanner climbed onto his bike. "Know where to begin looking for your girl?"

I ground my back teeth, the thought of Ginger in Daryl's hands, being hurt, making me want to destroy something. "I have an idea." I'd have to contact Jace. He had a contact feeding him information about Duponte's activities, which meant that they might have a list of suppliers.

Tanner nodded. "I'll call my brothers and we'll hit the streets, ask around." He started his bike and turned to head in the opposite direction, throwing his arm up in a wave as he pulled out onto the main road.

I knew that I could count on him. I pulled out my phone and hit Jace's number, eager to find my woman. My woman. Ginger may not have known it yet, but she was mine. I'd laid claim to her four years ago.

Daryl was already a dead man, but if he hurt Ginger I was going to make him suffer first.

I was good at that.