Page 60 of The Sentinels

"What makes you think they aren't?" he countered, grinning. "How long you been here?"

"About four years," I replied. I'd decided to move from North Carolina when my father's release date had gotten closer.

He nodded. "The Sentinels have been taking care of Daytona for a long time. The cops appreciate the help, especially when there are problems with outlaw motorcycle clubs."

I nodded. "It seems Daytona draws bikers."

"Always has, since way back before Daytona Beach Bike Week started in nineteen-thirty-seven. The warm weather and the proximity to the ocean has always been a draw. Thousands come for that event, and Biktoberfest." He shrugged. "Some stay and make their homes here."

"Have you lived here long?"

"All my life," he responded. "I moved around when I was younger, but I always came back home."

The sound of another vehicle coming down the drive drew our attention to the road. It was the police. I immediately wondered if their sudden appearance had anything to do with the trouble that had recently gone down between the Sentinels and the Hellraisers. I didn't know what exactly had happened, but the bullet wound on Ace's side told me that it hadn't been good. I wondered if any members of the other club had been wounded, or worse, killed. Suddenly, I was thankful that I didn't know the details.

The only thing that kept me from panicking was the police vehicles apparent lack of urgency. There were no sirens and no flashing lights. They drove up to the side of the doctor's Land Rover, parked, and turned off the ignition. A single officer exited the vehicle. I recognized Deputy Callahan from the times that I’d seen him at After Hours. He'd always struck me as a calm, level-headed man, and just as it had been all of the other times that we’d met, his eye-contact with me was friendly and respectful.

"Hey, miss."

"Officer," I acknowledged with a smile.

He nodded, and then looked at the doctor. "Doc. Are you here professionally?" His gaze flickered to the bag at the doctor's feet.

I wondered what the doctor would say, what the protocol was with regard to responding to questions from the police about the Sentinels. I knew that both the doctor and Deputy Callahan worked closely with the MC. But how much did they really know? Or, was it possible that neither man knew the extent of the relationship each one had with the club, and would err on the side of caution?

Whatever the situation, I was glad when the door opened and Doctor Rivers was saved from having to answer. William poked his head out, pinning his gaze on the officer. "We've been waiting for you," he said, opening the door wider so the other man could enter the house. "Hey, Doc, sorry you made a trip out here for nothing. Ace is good. Check will be in the mail."

Doctor Rivers didn't seem upset or surprised about being dismissed. We exchanged goodbyes, and then I sat back in my chair and watched him leave.

Chapter 29


"Looks like the Hellraisers are leaving town."

My brothers and I exchanged feigned looks of shock, mostly for the benefit of Deputy Callahan, who'd just entered the room and joined the conversation. It was all part of the fucking game. There wasn't a man in the room who didn't know why the bastards were leaving.

"So soon?" Gabe joked with a grin. "I wonder what happened."

Tanner shot him a glare as if to tell him to shut the fuck up. If Callahan had picked up on anything, he didn't react. The man looked tired, his eyes were red, and he was a little disheveled, yet there was an air of relief surrounding him that spoke volumes.

The day after we’d taken out Maniac and Boomer, we'd left a little present for their MC in the Cabbage Patch parking lot.

Callahan released a hard breath. "Word is that Maniac and Boomer just up and disappeared."

He knew better than that, but none of our expressions changed to reveal that we already knew what had happened to them.

"Heard their bikes and cuts showed up without them in the parking lot at Cabbage Patch a couple days ago," I said. Callahan wasn't stupid. He would think it odd if we didn't know something. Word traveled fast in MC circles.

Callahan shook his head. "Yep. That's exactly what happened."

"Knew the Hellraisers were fucking cowards," Skipper commented with a disgusted look, "if the disappearance of their president and VP has them running scared."

"I heard something went down between your MCs the other day. Nothing concrete, just rumors circulating at some of the hangouts. Does that have something to do with them wanting to leave?"

Tanner shrugged. "We paid them a little visit. Asked them nicely to leave town," he smirked.

I was surprised that he'd admitted that much.