Page 56 of The Sentinels

My girl had a stubborn streak in her, and I couldn't deny that I liked it. "You think you can take me on, baby girl?" I kept my tone even.

I could tell that she was trying to determine if I was joking or serious. "Not physically, but there are many ways a woman can get even with her man."

Her reference to me as her man caused my dick to jerk strongly against her soft bottom. "I am your man, baby, and you're my woman. Never thought I'd have an old lady." I watched surprise and then pleasure flare in her eyes at that admission. "Never wanted one. Fought it fucking tooth and nail." I was beginning to lose my resolve not to touch her the way that I wanted to. "Just to make sure there's no more misunderstandings between us, we're exclusive, Emerson. That means any more situations like what just happened, we ask questions before jumping to conclusions, yeah?"

She smiled. "I'm so glad that you said ’we’." She ground her ass against my erection, causing me to groan. "Though I doubt you'll ever catch me and another man naked together."

I'd better fucking not,I thought, but did not say. "Do you trust me, Emerson?"

She didn't hesitate, which pleased me. "Yes."

"Know that I'll never hurt you. That I'll protect you with my life. Do you believe that?" She nodded. The truth in her eyes nearly undid me.

I'd never felt this strongly about any woman before. My brothers would be laughing at me if they could see me now. I was a man of action, not words, and yet I'd said more today to Emerson than I ever had to anyone else. She was special, more than just the sweet bartender. I'd known it for a fucking long time. And now she was mine.

She had no idea what that truly meant.

It went beyond claiming her.

It went beyond keeping her safe.

I fucking owned her.

The thoughts coursing through me had fired up my arousal for her. I wanted to fuck her, right there at the table. I wanted to seal the deal with my cum inside her body and my mark somewhere on her. My brothers knew how I felt about Emerson, they'd known before I had, and now I wanted the world to know that she belonged to me, that no other man would touch her.

"You should eat your sandwich." Her soft words brought me out of my musings.

"I'd rather eat you, baby girl," I grinned. "And what the fuck is all over you?" It wasn't the first time that I'd noticed the spatters of orange in her hair and on her face. "You been painting?"

She nodded. "I had just finished painting a wall in my living room when Mike showed up to bring me here."

That reminded me. "Yeah, I need to talk to Tanner. As much as I like having you around, we need to get you to the safe house in St. Augustine."

"What? No! I'm not leaving you like this."

"You don't get a choice," I said firmly. "We're dealing with shit from another club right now, and we need our women safe."

"You're in no position to deal with that other club right now, so I'm staying."

I raised a brow at her refusal to obey me. Now wasn't the time, and I needed her safe. "You're not safe here. If the other club gets their hands on you they'll use you against me and the club. That's why we sent the old ladies away. We can't deal with shit with a clear mind if we’re worrying over them."

"But what if I stay here with you? I'll be safe then, right?"

"You will be staying here with me." She calmed at that until I said, "Until I can make arrangements for you to leave." She opened her mouth and I swooped down and took it. Instant fire ignited between us.

I lifted my hips and thrust my aching dick into her softness, grunting at the pleasure and wishing her shorts were gone and it was her wet cunt I was sinking into. I sank my fingers into her messy bun and tugged on it until the pins hit the floor and her hair was loose and surrounding us. Fuck, her hair was like silk between my fingers, and I couldn't wait to feel it over my dick and balls. As her hands moved over me I flinched when she came in contact with the bandage covering my side.

She pulled away from me. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Her eyes darted down to my side. "Ace, you're bleeding through your bandage!"

I glanced down. So I was. "I'm fine, baby girl. The doctor said there would be a little seepage."

"Well, this isn't seepage. Let me take a look at it."

She carefully got off my lap and sank to her knees right between my legs. Fuck. Right where I wanted her. I smirked as I glanced down at the top of her head and her proximity to my hard-on. It wouldn't take much to fold the towel over and present my dick to her sweet mouth. My breath turned ragged with the thought.

She misread it and glanced up at me with concern. "Am I hurting you?"

She'd pulled one side of the bandage aside to inspect the wound, her face scrunched up with distaste, and then her eyes widened when she realized what she was looking at.