"Emerson, honey," Tanner called her over to the table. "The ladies are leaving, but we're going to stay and play a few rounds of poker. Bring us some glasses and a bottle of tequila."
"The good kind?" she smiled, showing off a set of dimples I’d been too busy to notice before now. Her attention was solely on Tanner.
"You got it," Tanner responded, winking.
Emerson started to turn around when Ruby's comment stopped her. "Emerson, I haven't seen you with your hair down before. It's absolutely beautiful."
Yes, it was. My dick jumped with the thought of having all that silk flowing over it.
Her eyes darted to me, but I noticed that she averted her gaze back to Ruby almost instantly. "Thanks. I usually keep it up so it won't get in the way."
"Are you working tomorrow?"
Emerson shook her head.
"We have a spa day planned in Orlando; you should come spend the day with us. You work so hard, and I guarantee that you'll feel like a whole new woman afterwards. Nails, waxing, hair, lunch. What do you say?"
A bright smile crossed Emerson's pretty face and I knew that she was going to agree before she said the words. "God, it sounds like a day in heaven. I'd love to. What time?"
"Give me your address and we'll pick you up about nine."
I watched her pull out a small pad and write down her address. "I'll be ready, thanks." She handed Ruby the note. "Anything else before I leave?"
Again I noticed that she seemed to be avoiding looking at me, while I was eating her up, wondering what her full tits looked like, salivating over the thought of what her nipples would taste like on my tongue. I let my gaze drop to the hidden V between her legs. Did she keep it trimmed, or did she shave the whole thing, leaving her plump pussy pink and bare?
"I think we're good, honey," Tanner replied, interrupting my thoughts.
She started to leave, and before I had time to think about what I was doing I called her back.
"Emerson?" I saw her shoulders stiffen before she glanced back at me. "Don't cut your hair."
I could tell that what I said had shocked her. Hell, it had shocked me, too, but I couldn't take the words back now.
Our eyes locked for a long minute before she uttered, "I hadn't planned on it."
Fuck. What had I just disclosed by saying something so fucking personal?
I watched the swing of Emerson's long hair as it brushed against her fine ass while she walked away.
Chapter 4
The girls arrived in Ruby's large SUV to pick me up the next morning at nine o’clock sharp. Like most of them, I was wearing a pair of shorts and a tee. Anyone knew that if you were going for a pedicure that you wore flip flops or sandals, and it soon became apparent that there was a competition as to who was wearing the prettiest pair. I instantly lost because I was wearing a pair of plain pink flip flops.
Della laughed. "Next time you'll know." She held up a foot to show me a jewel-studded sandal. "I've already spent a small fortune trying to outshine these ladies," she joked.
I laughed along with them. "Who determines the winner?"
"That would be you, the loser," Ruby replied with a snort of amusement. She was driving.
All at once there were five bejeweled feet sticking out in my direction where I sat in the back with Lonnie. I laughed, glancing down at them. "I'm honored! When do I make my decision?"
"On the way home," they said in unison.
"No pressure!" Cookie smiled, wiggling her foot at me.
"We can't promise that there won't be any bribes involved," Judith joked.