"That mean I get to blow things up?" Coffee grinned without humor.
"Maybe." Tanner took the weed from Jigger and put it to his lips, inhaling deeply. He held his breath for a few seconds before releasing a stream of smoke. "At this point I don't care if we kill every fucking one of them."
Nods from several brothers indicated that they agreed with him. I couldn't disagree, either. The image of seeing Emerson pinned against the jukebox, about to be raped, would be with me for a long time. I'd been the one who'd shot the bastard in the temple, ending his life. I only wished I could have killed him more than once. I would have liked to make him suffer first.
Tanner pinned his eyes on Rod, the youngest brother, but also the one with the most kills. He'd been a sniper in the army. We were all good shots, but he was a skilled professional. "Think you and Charlie can get close enough in their camp to give us cover?"
Rod didn't hesitate, nodding. "No problem."
"For me either," Charlie added. "We go in at night, find the right tree, we're good." He and Rod exchanged thumbs up.
My gaze snapped to Tanner. I knew what he wanted. He relied on me to come up with a plan for how this was all going to go down. Then we'd vote on whether to go with it. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. The Hellraisers were nothing more than criminals, followers who couldn't take a piss without looking for approval from Maniac first. They knew how to kill, maim, and destroy, but not much else. They were all snakes, and we all knew what happened when you cut off the head of a snake.
It seemed clear to me. "Think if we take out Maniac and Boomer the rest won't know which way to turn but run."
"They're a vicious, destructive MC, brother," Skipper commented for the first time. "What makes you think they'll turn tail and run if their leaders are taken out?"
It was a fair question, but one I'd anticipated. "Maybe the way we end Maniac and Boomer will be persuasion enough. We need to instill fucking fear in them. Charlie and Rod aren't going to be there to fucking pick them off. That's too easy, too fucking clean. We need them to take care of any of the fools who make a move to stop us from our agenda."
"So what are you thinking, brother?"
I looked at Gabe. "I'm thinking they like fire."
"Fuck!" Heath swore. Several others followed suit.
I crossed my arms and leaned back against the bar, looking at every man in there for their reaction. Some shook their heads with disbelief and a look that said that they hadn't seen that coming. Others--Joker, Coffee, and William--nodded slowly with satisfied acceptance in their eyes. I was sure that everyone was thinking about the cop and his woman who'd been handcuffed to the steering wheel and burned alive by the Hellraisers. If we were going to run them out of town it had to be done in a way that proved to them that the Sentinels were willing to do anything to get them out and keep them out.
"Shit, brother, never thought you were this fucking sick," Pete muttered with something close to grudging respect. "Remind me not to get on your bad side."
I just stared at him. It was sick. But I was the enforcer, and it was my job to protect the club, and our families. We'd decided to try something less violent first, but the other club's actions had showed us that they weren't going to understand anything less than violence in return.
"Thank fuck our women are gone," Mark muttered around his smoke.
Not all of our women. I thought about Emerson. I hadn't claimed her. Didn't know what the future would hold beyond fucking, but I couldn't get the image of her out of my head. I wanted eyes on her. I wanted her where I could protect her. Now that the bar was closed, I didn't like the idea of her being home alone.
"God fucking damn it!"
Sid's angry exclamation drew all eyes on him. He'd apparently received a text and was staring down at his phone, his mouth pressed tight. When he looked up there was a dark storm brewing in his eyes. "That was Sal. Those fuckers hit both my tiki bars! Chased the customers' away, beat up Sal and Louie before they set fire to the bars!" He was gripping his phone so hard it was a miracle that he hadn’t crushed it. He owned two tiki bars on the beach, and Sal and Louie were two of his bartenders that he employed to run them.
"Why the fuck were they still open?" Tanner demanded.
"New summer hours, brother. We don't close until two now. I leave it up to their discretion if they want to go longer during events."
"Are they going to be okay?" I frowned. "And what about the girls?" Along with the bartenders, Sid also employed several women as eye-candy to help draw in the customers and serve drinks.
Sid released a deep breath. "The girls only work during peak hours. Sal said once he was able to pull himself together he called Louie to warn him to watch for trouble, but it was too fucking late. They both took a beating and were told it was a warning to us that there was a new MC in town."
It could have been worse.
"Thank fuck the girls weren’t there," Skipper grumbled.
My gaze shot to Rod, who owned a gun shop and shooting range. Before I could get the words out of my mouth, he gave me a chin lift and yanked out his phone. We couldn't afford for the Hellraisers to get their hands on more guns and ammo. With bars on the windows and doors of the gun shop there was no way they could get inside once the place was locked up tight.
"Got boats going out today, brothers?" Tanner inquired of Gabe and William, who were partners. Until recently they'd only had one charter boat that they used to take groups out for deep sea fishing, but business had been so good they'd added a luxury yacht with a full crew for vacationers.
William ran his hand over the whiskers on his lower jaw. "The fishing boat is docked for repairs,The Sentinelis somewhere in the Bahamas."