I cast my eyes in the direction towards where Ace and the rest of the Sentinels usually sat. Bonnie was right. He was sitting in the midst of his brothers, drinking and laughing as if my world wasn't crumbling down around me. I did as she suggested and made my way to the back where the employee bathroom and break area was located.
I splashed cold water on my face, staring at my reflection in the cracked mirror. God, I looked like crap. I reached up to try and fix my hair, recalling Ace's hand there, getting frustrated with it and finally letting the heavy ebony tresses fall to my waist. It was almost quitting time, so I decided to just leave it, and went back to the bar.
"Feel better?"
I gave Bonnie a nod.
"Do you mind helping clear the tables so we can get out of here?"
"Sure." I didn't mind helping the servers clean up at the end of the night, leaving Bonnie to take care of the bar.
Most of the tables and booths were empty, but there were still some customers lingering. There always seemed to be those who stayed right up until the last minute. Some of the Sentinels were still around, too, which was usual, since the president of their MC, Tanner, owned the bar. Often they were the last to leave. I grabbed a tray and began clearing the tables of glasses, bottles, and other trash, then wiped them down with a damp towel. The entire time I was working I was painfully aware that Ace was still there, though I doubted he was paying me any mind.
As I made my way closer to where he was, I couldn't help sneaking a peek at him. There were three women in the group that he sat with--Tanner's wife Ruby, and Sid and Mark's girlfriends. They were all beautiful women, and I could tell that their men treated them right. They were attentive, and at times possessive, and I wondered what it felt like to have someone care enough about me that they wanted me all to themselves.
I tried not to look at Ace, afraid that my eyes would give me away. I'd die of humiliation if he or anyone in his circle figured out that I had feelings for him. As far as anyone knew, I was simply a bartender and sometimes server. If they witnessed me going out back with Ace I wouldn't know, and I doubted that he'd told them about what we were doing. God, I hoped not, anyway. I felt like such a slut at times, but it was my own fault. I was willing to take Ace any way I could have him.
"Emerson, honey--"
I turned when I heard Tanner's commanding voice, giving him and only him my attention.
"The ladies are leaving but we're going to stay and play a few rounds of poker. Bring us some glasses and a bottle of tequila."
"The good kind?" I asked with a smile.
"You got it," Tanner responded, giving me a wink.
"Emerson, I haven't seen you with your hair down before," Ruby said before I could leave. "It's absolutely beautiful."
My gaze flickered to Ace long enough to see that he was looking at me. I quickly averted my eyes back to Ruby. "Thanks. I usually keep it up so it won't get in the way."
"Are you working tomorrow?"
I shook my head.
"We have a spa day planned in Orlando; you should come spend the day with us. You work so hard, and I guarantee that you'll feel like a whole new woman afterwards. Nails, waxing, hair, lunch. What do you say?"
"God, it sounds like a day in heaven. I'd love to." I couldn't remember the last time I'd spent a day pampering myself. "What time?"
"Give me your address and we'll pick you up about nine."
I pulled out my pad and jotted down my address as well as my phone number in case something came up. "I'll be ready, thanks." I handed Ruby the note and then spun around to go back to the bar.
"What's up?" Bonnie saw me approaching the bar.
"The guys want the good tequila and some glasses. They're staying for a while."
She nodded and turned to set up a tray for me. By the time I made my way back to their table the girls had gone. I set the large round tray in the center of the table and began to unload it. There were twelve bikers in the Sentinels MC, but only half of them were there tonight. I imagined the other six were out riding the streets of Daytona. I knew enough about what they did to know that they were the good guys, working with the local cops to keep the citizens of our popular oceanside town safe.
If that involved any illegal activities, they kept that on the down low. I'd been privy to a few of their early morning meetings. When it was my turn to come in early to clean I'd purposely worn headphones and listened to music. I didn't want to overhear anything that I wasn't supposed to, and it kept me from being distracted by Ace.
"Anything else before I leave?" My question was meant for everyone, so I made eye contact with everyone except Ace. I wondered if he noticed, or even cared.
"I think we're good, honey."
With a smile, and something to look forward to, I started to turn to leave when Ace's commanding voice pulled me back.