Page 11 of The Sentinels


"Don't you wish you had some of that, brother?"

Gabe was leaning close to me, but his eyes were on Rod and Sid as they were talking on their phones. I shrugged, pretending that I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. "Some of what?"

He snorted. "The fucking happiness a good woman brings to a man."

I grinned. "Don't need limiting myself to the same pussy to make me happy, brother. I like variety." I reached for my beer.

"Yeah, right," he smirked. "That's why the only woman I've seen you take out back the last few months is our very own Emerson."

I glared at him. He'd noticed? I glanced around our table, wondering who else had noticed and had come to the conclusion that I had something going on with Emerson. Christ, did Emerson think we had something going on, too? No, she knew the score. I'd been damned careful of staying away from that kind of shit. It was why I kept myself detached from her when we weren't doing the deed, why I didn't kiss or touch her.

Not that I didn't want to. Hell, my dick was jerking even now at the thought of sinking inside her tight pussy. But something about Emerson kept me away from fucking her, warning me that it would be a big mistake.

"You look scared," Gabe chuckled, as if he could see the panic running through me.

I didn't like his knowing look, and decided to turn the tables on him. "What about you, brother? I don't see you with a woman."

He shrugged, undaunted. "I like men," he deadpanned.

I almost bust a gut laughing, and when I could finally bring myself under control again, I said, "You're the biggest man-whore here." It was true. Gabe made no bones about his sexual escapades and bragged about the different women that he had in his bed every night. Of all of us, he was the most likely never to settle down.

"Women are all good," Tanner announced in a satisfied tone right before he threw back his tequila. "We'll give them half an hour head start at JJ’s and then head on over."

"Only half an hour?" Gabe grinned.

"Long enough to make sure they don’t get into any trouble," Rod remarked. "Cookie's still a little on the wild side."

"Have to rein her in, brother. Show her who's boss."

Rod laughed at Gabe's comment. "Oh, she knows who's boss. But she likes pushing me. Likes me going all caveman on her ass."

"They all do," Tanner grinned. "They'd be pissed if we didn't show up and drag their sexy asses out of JJ’s."

"Sounds like your women know what they're doing. Have you brothers wrapped around their little fingers."

All eyes turned on me. The lifting of Tanner's brows was my first indication that he was about to drop a bomb. "Think so, brother?" He paused meaningfully before adding, "Emerson is with them."

What. The. Fuck. Since when did Emerson hang out with our women? I knew about the spa day they’d spent together, but clubbing? That was news to me. Had she been doing it all along? I didn't usually go with my brothers when they went to retrieve their women, but this was the first time I’d heard that Emerson was part of the group. I wasn't sure how I felt about her out drinking and dancing as an unattached female.

"Not so cocky now, are ya?" Skipper joked.

I shot him the bird. "I don't know why you all think that Emerson means something to me. We're not even friends."

Mark snorted with laughter. "Are you shitting us? Okay, let's forget about the fact that you're here five minutes and then you're grabbing her and taking her out back. We know she doesn't smoke, so something else must be going on."

I leaned back in my chair. "So? There have been plenty of times when one of you has taken a woman out back for a fuck or a blowjob."

"If that's all Emerson is to you, why can't you keep your eyes off her? You think we don't see you sneakin' peeks at her?"

I shrugged off Sid's observation. "So I like stalking pretty women, and she has a fucking talented mouth." I felt like an asshole for revealing that.

Gabe began to nod. "Oh, yeah? Well, since she means nothing to you, then I think I'll give her a try."

I held down the anger that came with the image of Emerson going down on Gabe. "You do that, brother."

"Has she got a tight pussy?"