"Built like freaking gods," Della said dreamily. "But that's not what I was talking about." We were walking toward Ruby's SUV. "We're dressed for our men. This is how it's going to play out. Right now they are all at After Hours, killing time, tossing a few back. They know we're having a girls' night tonight, and they'll eventually begin phoning us to make sure we're okay and not getting into any trouble."
Judith cut in. "They'll give us just enough time to hit a couple of clubs, do a little drinking and dancing, and then they'll show up."
Lonnie giggled. "One by one they'll lead us out onto the dance floor and then gradually we'll all be dragged home for a night of hot and heavy sex."
We climbed into the SUV.
"They want us to have a good time, but the truth is they can't stand when other men ogle us or come on to us." Cookie ended up in the back with me. "Did we forget to mention that they're jealous as hell?"
"They like to stake their claim in public, too," Della grinned, looking back at me.
"So, um, while all of you are being dragged away by your cavemen and having hot and heavy fuck fests, what happens to little ol’ me?"
"Well, if you haven't met someone by then, I'll take you home," Ruby promised.
I was pretty certain that she was going to take me home. I didn't plan on meeting anyone that I'd want to take me home--Stranger Danger, and all that. I wouldn't mind attention from someone of the opposite sex, maybe a little dancing and a drink or two, but I wasn't a one-night-stand kind of girl.
"You girls aren't planning on throwing me to the wolves are you?" I joked.
A chorus of no’s echoed through the vehicle. In little to no time we were arriving at our first destination. I knew the club, amply named Girl's Night Out. I'd been there before. It lived up to its name, providing the perfect place for women to wind down after a hard day at work, or just to get away from everything and everyone so they could be themselves. It didn't surprise me to find when we went inside that the ratio of men to women was extremely low.
We found a table and took a seat, each one of us scoping the place out, possibly for other friends.
"We love our men to pieces, but once in a while it's nice to go to a ladies only zone just to remember what it used to be like before them."
"Like our spa day," Ruby added.
"Yeah, our men wouldn't be caught dead in here," Lonnie grinned. "We won't be here long."
I could understand their sentiments. I didn't have a man, but After Hours was a biker's bar, so I had to serve a lot of guys who were crude, loud, rough around the edges, and loaded with testosterone. After five days of that, I was ready for a break.
"Don't worry, honey. If we don't find the perfect man for you tonight, there's always next time." I returned Ruby's smile. "By the way, you're by far the sexiest woman in here."
"Yeah, if Ace could see you now, he'd be kicking himself in the ass for the way he's been treating you."
I didn't remind Judith that I was partially to blame for Ace’s treatment of me. "It's nice dressing up for a change, but I don’t think I'd want to do it every day. That's one of the reasons I like working at the bar," I told them as a server came to our table and took our orders.
"I agree there's something to be said for being able to dress casually for work, but you can get Ace's attention in other, subtler ways."
There was no way was I going to respond to Della's comment one way or the other. Denying that I wanted Ace’s attention would only make me appear guilty of just that.
"Do tell," Cookie encouraged.
"Show up to work naked—"
Laughter erupted. "That's subtle!" Ruby remarked.
"Shave your head."
"Tattoo your face."
"Straddle his lap and hump him for all you're worth."
The suggestion turned me hot with the instant visual that it conjured up.
I listened to a few more of their outrageous comments, thankful when the server returned with our drinks and they settled down. By then we were all red-faced with laughter and silliness. I tasted mine, a vodka cranberry, and made a humming sound of appreciation. "This is good."
Della and Cookie nodded. They’d ordered the same drink.