She laughed. "I'm kidding, honey. You both deserve each other. You’re good for each other. I’m happy that Ace has found someone who won’t put up with his strong-armed tactics and keeps him on his toes. Now give him a couple of kids, and you'll have that man by the balls."
I giggled. "You think he'll want kids?" Even I could hear the hope in my voice.
"Yes. And I'm fairly certain you already have me by the balls."
I squealed with a start and spun around. My back was to the door, and Tanner and Ace were standing behind me. I hadn't even heard them come in. My eyes locked onto the man that I loved beyond reason, moving over him from the top of his head down to his booted feet. I wasn't sure what I was looking for--maybe some sign of what he'd done. But he was clean as a whistle, and his damp hair revealed that he'd had a recent shower. I swallowed nervously.
"It's done, baby. You never have to worry about your monster again."
I left my chair and ran to him, nearly knocking him over in my enthusiasm. He grunted and braced his feet firmly, taking my full weight. His arms crushed me to him immediately. Tears sprang to my eyes as I was overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. I'd work through them later. Right now I just wanted to be held close and tight, and never let go.
I sensed Tanner moving across the room to Ruby, but the only one of importance to me in that instant was my man.
My hero.
Six months later…
"Happy, baby girl?"
I was sitting on Ace's lap in a chair on his front porch, gazing out at the yard at all of our friends who were engaged in various activities. Ruby and Tanner was chasing after their two little ones and Jonathan, Ginger and Rebel's little boy. Ruby was laughing loudly as the children managed to stay just out of reach, squealing with delight when she got too close. Gabe, Rebel, Heath, and William were standing around one of the grills, beers in hand and conversing while Mike tended to the chicken. Judith and Mark were swinging gently on the porch swing that we'd added specifically for them, cuddling and cooing over their new baby boy, Logan. Ginger, who also had a new baby boy, Justin, was relaxing in a single rocker next to them.
I watched Rod push Cookie on a tire swing that was hanging on one of the giant, moss-covered oaks. Della and Skipper had decided to take a walk down by the water. Lonnie, Sid, and Pete were gathered around a second grill where the vegetables were grilling. Sully and his new girlfriend, Mandy, were sitting on a blanket in the shade, their hands all over each other.
A very pregnant Bonnie was being waited on hand and foot by her new husband. It was fun to watch, because it was so obvious that she was annoyed by his hovering, but he just smiled and ignored her bitching. Every once in a while she'd look my way and give me a wink, which told me that it was all an act. She was actually enjoying his attention. I wondered how Ace would act when it was our turn.
"Did you fall asleep on me?"
I smiled at the humor in his tone, my heart swelling with love for this man. "Just enjoying watching our friends," I responded, snuggling closer against him. "And to answer your earlier question, yes, I'm very happy." I tilted my face to look up at him, telling him without words what I wanted and puckering my lips.
"Oh no, baby," he snorted, lowering his face to mine and pausing right before connecting his lips with mine. "No fucking pecks in this relationship," he growled, crushing his mouth down onto mine.
I'd never grow tired of kissing Ace. He put so much into them. It was more than just the fusing of our mouths. He poured the depths of his feelings into them, he gave and possessed at the same time, causing my toes to curl and my heart to pound, and arousal to blossom in my core like the pedals of a flower opening up beneath the warm sun. I melted into his warm, imposing form with a sigh of contentment, reaching up to curl my arms around his neck.
He shifted beneath me as if he was uncomfortable, but I knew the truth. As our heated kiss continued, he grew hard, and I couldn't resist grinding my bottom against the source of so much pleasure. He groaned beneath my lips, thrusting his tongue roughly against mine. I smiled against his mouth, feeling his body tighten as he struggled to remain in control.
His hand grabbed the hair at the back of my head and he pulled me away far enough that he could glare into my eyes with smoldering orbs and rapid breathing. "You think it's funny that I'm about to lose my shit right here in front of all my brothers and their families?" He sounded angry, but it was really the intensity of his arousal coming through and the fact that he couldn't do anything about it.
My smile grew wider. "I didn't do anything." I innocently batted my eyes.
He snorted. "You keep grinding that cute little ass against my dick and I'm going to take you inside and fuck it hard."
His words caused wet heat to soak my panties, and suddenly that's exactly what I wanted Ace to do, although disappearing inside would probably alert everyone to what we were doing, and I wasn't sure that I wanted to face everyone's knowing smugness when we returned.
"That sounds so tempting," I finally whispered against his mouth. "I love when you fuck me in the ass." He shuddered against me, lifting his hips slightly so I could feel how big and hungry he was. I whimpered. "But we can't ignore our friends." I pulled back and met his eyes. "Do you think you can control that monster until everyone is gone?"
His mouth curled at the corners. "Baby, for you, anything, especially now that you're living here." I was happy to hear the contentment in his voice. Moving in with Ace hadn't been a mistake.
Our friends had moved me in to Ace’s house that very day; it was the reason why everyone was there. I'd donated away my own furniture, pictures, and lamps. None of that stuff had any sentimental value to me, and most of it I'd bought at second-hand shops anyway. Everything else had been boxed up and brought over for me to sort through later on.
We'd decided to have a cookout after the move. The girls and I had got a head start by preparing the vegetables and seasoning the meat. We’d also made sure to fill a cooler with beer and fruit juices.
"Are you sure you're good with me moving in?" I'd wanted to move in with Ace since almost the beginning of our relationship, and so I'd been on cloud nine when he'd finally asked me. It had been six months since my father had been wiped from my life for good, and I wondered if that's why Ace hadn't asked me to move in with him earlier.
"Where the fuck is this coming from?" he growled in a low tone so that no one else could hear. "You know how I feel about you, baby girl. I know how you feel about me. You keep this shit up and I'm going to be forced to spank that cute bottom until you can't sit down."