Page 3 of What He Wants

“Unless you want to play Santa Clause,” Rock joked. “A dirty Santa Clause.”

I snorted.

“You thinkin’ about going for a trim?”

I gave Hawk a knowing grin. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m thinking.” We both knew that if I went down there, a trim was the last thing I’d be going for. New pussy tasted like heaven, especially before it got all used up. And she sounded eager and willing. I’d know the minute I walked through the door who she was, too. My size and cut would draw her gaze like a fucking magnet.

“You look hungry all of a sudden.”

I nodded. “Yeah, getting tired of the same pussy here at the club. It’s not as satisfying as it used to be. The thought of dipping my dick into something not so used up is pulling me toward a shave.”

They both snorted. I finished my beer and got to my feet. “Guess I’ll go check it out now. Got nothing else to do.”

The ride to the salon didn’t take long. The small two-story house was situated a little over halfway toward town. Someone had converted the lower half of the A-frame wooden structure into a salon, while it was rumored that one of the girls who owned the house lived in the upstairs apartment. I’d ridden past there during the night to see lights on upstairs, so I knew that was true.

Three girls looked in my direction when I opened the door, and I knew who the bitch was the second I saw her. She was wearing skin tight black spandex, the material stretched tight over her lower body, revealing a camel toe that looked damned uncomfortable. The tube top was just as outrageous, exposed by the opened half jacket she was wearing over it. Short blond hair was streaked with purple, framing a heavily made-up face that was smiling a welcome. I had to admit that she was beautiful, and she knew it, too.

She immediately began strutting my way, and I couldn’t help but think how uncomfortable her camel toe had to be. Unless that was how she got off. “Can I help you?”

“I,” not “we,” which told me that she wasn’t part of the team. She singled herself out asbeing more important than the others. Her husky tone was intended to be suggestive, and there was an eagerness in her dark brown eyes that promised she’d make my day if I let her.

I glanced briefly at the other two women. Both non-descript, obviously there to showcase the talents of the blonde bimbo. There was no competition between them and her. They were there to work, and nothing else. Their expressions were slightly fearful as they took me in. I knew they’d seen some of my brothers, but my bulk and six-foot five-inch height overwhelmed most men. Dressed all in black, my blonde hair and beard both out of control, I must have looked menacing to them.

“I don’t know,” I finally said, looking her up and down. “I came here to get a haircut.”

Blondie giggled, halting directly in front of me, and I was engulfed by the strong perfume that she was wearing. I didn’t care for that shit, and I guessed that my dick was of the same mind, because he hadn’t even twitched into awareness.

“I assure you that I can do anything you want done.”

“Jasmine, did you send in the new order?”

I glanced behind Blondie to see a curtain open. The woman who stepped through was a fucking goddess. She had shining, jet black hair piled into a messy, sexy bun. I couldn’t see her face because it was tilted downward, but her curves were fucking hot. The opposite of the skinny sweetbutt I’d just fucked at the club, this woman had full, womanly curves, the kind I could shape with my hands. Her tits were large, the buttons on the white silky blouse she was wearing were straining to hold them in. The material was sheer enough to expose the lacy bra beneath.

She was wearing a black skirt that clung to her hips and tapered down to her knees, leaving the rest of her gorgeous legs bare. Come-fuck-me heels and a few pieces of jewelry completed her outfit. She was glancing down at the tablet in her hands, but the second she glanced up, our gazes clashed. And I mean collided. Hard. Intense. Powerful. In an instant I could tell that this woman had been hurt, the pain was there in the vibrant green of her eyes. She was hiding something, protecting herself. She was on guard. She looked like she was ready to turn and run away.

Even while something else, something stronger, held her frozen with interest.

As I digested my ungrounded thoughts, I took in that her face was as stunning as the rest of her. She was flawless. Little makeup complimented her natural, sun-kissed skin and the rose color of her high cheek bones. There was a slight slant to her eyes that gave her an exotic look that sent heat surging through my blood. I didn’t like it, not one little bit. But my dick did, and I had little control over his awakening. Fuck, right there in front of them all he was stiffening and making his preferences known.

We wanted this woman.

I had half a mind to swing around, leave, and never come back.

“I sent it in this morning,” Jasmine said, turning to address her. “Should be here in about a week.” She turned back to me, putting the seductive smile back onto her face. “I was about to give this big, gorgeous hunk a haircut.”

The goddess nodded, pulling her gaze away from mine.

“Right, big guy?” Jasmine questioned, looking up at me.

I never pulled my attention away from the other woman, whose name I still hadn’t learned. “Her.” I lifted my chin in the direction of the goddess, whose gaze cut back to me with something close to fear. “She cuts my hair, no one else.”

Jasmine’s eyes rounded at my demand, obviously surprised at my rejection of her. “But−”

I snapped my eyes to hers. “No. One. Else.” A minute of awkward silence followed. I didn’t give a fuck.

“I-I’m sorry but I’m not here today,” said the black-haired goddess. I raised a brow, because she was definitely there. Guessing my thoughts, she added, “What I mean is that I’m off today. I only came down to check on an order.”

So, she was the one who lived upstairs. Nice to know. “And when are you here again?” I knew that I was being a prick, but I always got what I wanted, and for some reason I wanted this woman.