Page 39 of What He Wants

“Nothing I can’t handle,” I smiled.

“So, we good now?”

Really? He thought one good--okay, earth-shaking--orgasm was all it took to make everything, right? The man needed to be put in his place. “I’ll think about it.”

A low, rolling chuckle was his reaction, and then he pulled out of me and stepped back. I bit my bottom lip to keep from moaning. The emptiness was instant and absolute, and I felt more than just lonely. I felt weak and vulnerable.

“Well, you think about it, woman.” The look in his eyes spoke volumes.Filthyvolumes. “While I’m gone, you think about my big dick and how good he makes you feel when he’s stuffed deep inside your tight pussy.” His words and the image they produced set my blood on fire. “And I’ll be thinking about how good your cum tastes on my fingers.” I caught my breath when he brought his fingers to his mouth. It didn’t take him long to lick them clean, and then he was doing up his pants, reminding me that mine were still down at my knees.

“Where the fuck are you, man?” An impatient voice snarled from beyond the curtain.

I quickly pulled my pants up, and straightened my bra and shirt.

“In the back taking care of business!” Big John snarled right back. “I gotta go, babe. Got business out of town. But when I come back, we’re going to take up right where we left off.” I raised a brow at his dominant tone, not sure that I liked it. His grin told me that he knew what I was thinking. He put a finger beneath my chin and raised my face to his. “More fucking. Some talking. We’re going to get to know one another, woman. See where this is going.”

In spite of my misgivings, I warmed at his words. Big John struck me as a doer, not a talker. The fact that he wanted us to get to know each other gave me hope. I liked him, a lot, yet I didn’t want to seem too eager, as if I didn’t have a say in what went on between us. I needed to show Big John that I wasn’t going to let him push me around. I was going to make him work for it. “I’ll think about it.”

He snorted. “Yeah, you do that, babe.” He gave me a brief kiss and was gone.

I ran upstairs and took a few minutes to freshen up before the first customer arrived. It was a good call, considering that I looked like a woman who’d just had a quickie in the stock room.

Oh, wait, I just had.

Chapter 17

Big John

I hated being in a fucking cage, hated the confinement of it. Being cooped up inside something with four walls felt too much like fucking prison to me. The only difference was that I could get out of the truck whenever I wanted, unlike the years I’d spent locked up, most of which had been spent in solitary confinement. I hadn’t gotten early release for good behavior, that’s for fucking sure. I’d served every one of the six years I’d been sentenced to. Hell, I’d been lucky that they hadn’t tacked on more time for all the shit trouble I’d caused.

“So, what kind of business did you have to take care of in the back of the salon?”

Jumper’s tone revealed that he already had a good idea. I kept my eyes on the road. “None of your fucking business.”

He laughed. “We have a long way to go, brother. Have to talk about something.”

I gave him a sharp look. “Not her.”

He shrugged. “Why not? I could be your sounding board, let you know if I think she’s good enough for you.” He was joking.

“I’m not good enough for her,” I said without thinking, but it was the truth. Daisy was decent. She was good. Yet I couldn’t keep my mind off her, and all the dirty things I wanted to do to her. What we’d done so far? That was just the tip of the fucking iceberg. I hadn’t intended to see her before I’d left town, but as her house had come into view I’d known that nothing would stop me from doing just that. For purely selfish reasons I was glad that I had now, because I’d gotten to have another taste of her sweetness.

“Why do you say that, brother?” He lit a cigarette. “I’ve never known you to mistreat any of the women at the club. They all love you.” He grinned like the sick bastard that he was.

I snorted and returned my gaze to the highway. The women at the club loved dick, especially when it was attached to a brother. They liked having bragging rights that came with fucking a big, bad biker. Some thought sucking dick was the fastest way to becoming an old lady, and when it didn’t happen they stuck around anyway because we offered them safety and protection. None of them were there because we’d forced them to do anything they didn’t want to.

“Especially little Lucy,” Jumper added, blowing out a stream of blue smoke. “Little girl has it bad for you.”

“Give me one of those fucking cancer sticks,” I grumbled, ignoring his remarks about Lucy. We both knew her time at the club would come to an end if she didn’t straighten up and accept that she was there for all the brothers.

Jumper didn’t say anything, just laughed. The brother was getting on my nerves. I only smoked occasionally, usually when I had nothing else available to take the edge off. Fucking Daisy had relieved a lot of stress, but now I was back to thinking about her, the trouble with Shooter, her again. Fuck. I took the smoke Jumper handed me and stuck it between my lips. I wanted this shit with Shooter to be over.

Hell, I’d be happy if it were three months from now, the snow gone and me on my fucking bike. Some brothers rode their bikes year-round, but I wasn’t one of them. It was too dangerous and too fucking cold. The only time that I got on my bike in the winter was when I didn’t have far to go, or if there was a possibility of having to follow trouble on a bike, as we had after we tracked down Shooter. Chasing a biker down was a lot easier when you were on another bike. Unfortunately, we’d lost them.

“I think we have trouble.” I glanced in the review mirror, and then the side mirror. There was a black SUV with darkly tinted windows on our tail. “You think that prick Talbot put a tail on us?”

After leaving Daisy’s we’d made our way to Pleasure Me for a few drinks, and had casually dropped information to Talbot that we were on our way to Last Hope. The man had a big mouth, and if he thought that he had something that someone else might want he would reach out to them. We had made sure that a couple of his dancers knew too, after they’d propositioned us to spend some time with them.

“Why the fuck would he?” I changed lanes. “He hasn’t got the balls for that kind of thing.” I watched as the SUV switched lanes until they were behind us again. Shit.