Page 30 of What He Wants

It didn’t occur to me to protest. My whole body jerked with a sharp, pleasant reaction as he finger-fucked me with a rough lack of control. My hips moved in rhythm with his thrusts, and when Big John curled those thick digits against my G-spot I exploded around him. I threw my head back against the fridge and convulsed, thankful as he took that moment to swallow my cries with a grinding, wet kiss.

Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! I chanted to myself every time I convulsed against Big John’s hand. His fingers were still buried inside me, his thumb pressing against my clit. I saw stars behind my closed eyes. I was satisfied and mortified at the same time. We were in the kitchen, where anyone could have come in, and still could, yet I couldn’t find the strength to care. Gradually his kisses grew tender, matching the calm that was moving over us, until we stilled against one another and the only thing left was the sound of our breathing.

“Jesus,” I breathed softly. “I can’t believe we just did that here in the kitchen.” I slowly lowered my legs when I realized that they were still around Big John’s waist. His fingers slipped out of my body, and he dragged his wet hand out of my pants. As I busied myself by doing up my pants, he held his hand up, letting me see that it was coated with my release. I felt my cheeks grow hot. “If someone had walked in−”

He smirked, satisfaction in his eyes, even though he still had an impressive hard-on pressing against his zipper. “No one did.”

“I’m too old for this kind of juvenile thing.”

Big John scoffed. “Baby, you’re never too old to enjoy sex.”

I quickly corrected him. “I don’t mean sex, I mean sex in the kitchen when there’s a hundred people just outside that door.”

“That’s what makes it feel so good.” God, he was right, but I wasn’t going to admit it to him. I’d never thought that I was the kind of person who would find it thrilling to do something so illicit when I could have gotten caught so easily.

As we stood staring at each other, Big John brought his hand up to his mouth, and my jaw dropped as he proceeded to suck my cream off his fingers. A mini-orgasm raked through my body, and fresh wetness soaked my panties. It was hot, and in a heartbeat he’d managed to turn me on again without half-trying. The man had magical powers, that had to be it. Well, why not?

He had the body of a God.

Chapter 13

Big John

Jesus. I was sitting in church and all I could think about was the taste of Daisy’s submission to me on my tongue. As soon as the sweet taste of her on my fingers had touched my fucking taste buds I’d almost come in my pants, like a fucking teenager. And I hadn’t missed the effect that my move had had on her either. Her pupils had dilated as her breath had hitched, and she’d flushed with renewed arousal. The act of watching me suck my fingers clean had turned her the fuck on.

It had been all I could do not to say, “fuck it” and pound the shit out of her right there up against the fridge. And as much as I’d wanted to sink my dick inside her and find my own release, the fact that Hawk had called church when Clay and I had returned was at the forefront of my mind. Well, maybe not the forefront, because I hadn’t wanted to leave Daisy. No, I’d wanted to drag her shapely little ass back to my room for some quality, hard-core, one-on-one action.

I shook my head to clear it, a little angry at myself over my fascination with the woman. Lusting over her outside of the meeting room was one thing, but bringing her inside not acceptable. There was no room for that fucking shit while I was sitting at the table with my brothers, discussing shit that would affect the club, talking about killing, which is what I did. I had blood on my hands. The same hands that had touched Daisy until she’d come undone in my arms.

I doubted that the knowledge of my role in the club would go over very well with Daisy. She wasn’t a sweetbutt. Those women were a different breed, who could be as dirty and devious as my brothers were when they needed to be. They liked knowing what a brother’s hands were capable of doing, liked to paint their bodies with it. Trouble didn’t send them running. They knew how to handle most situations, unless it had to do with a brother that they wanted. Sometimes they forgot what they were there for. Marnie had forgotten that in a huge fucking way, her insane jealousy almost getting Rock’s woman, Allie, killed.

“Where’s your head at, brother?”

I glanced over at Rock, my expression set so fucking hard it was a wonder that my jaw didn’t crack. “Wrapped around ending Shooter and Whistler,” I snapped. It pissed me off that they’d managed to escape. By the time we’d made it to our bikes and had taken off in the general direction that they’d gone, they’d had too much of a head start. We’d followed their trail from where they’d stashed their bikes to a camp road that had led to an asphalt highway, and had then promptly lost them.

Then we’d returned to the house where Clay and Jumper had taken care of Demo’s body while I’d spent time with the women. It turned out that there’d been another woman in the back bedroom all along. My job was to convince them of the importance of staying quiet. By the time we’d left, there had been no doubt about what would happen to them if we found out that they’d been talking about what went down. It turned out that they liked breathing.

“We sure about the women?”

Clay snorted, sinking lower into his seat. “They seemed good and subdued by the time we left.”

He was right. They’d been terrified by that point, crying hysterically and thanking us for not hurting them. Fuck, we didn’t like hurting women and avoided it at all costs, but sometimes it was necessary. The safety of the club came first, always.

“Do we need to put a prospect on them to make sure they remain loyal?” Hawk asked, taking a hit off one of the joints that was being passed around the table. He didn’t usually smoke, but I guessed that having the club on lockdown and the place filled with families was getting to our prez, especially when three of those family members included his pregnant wife and their other two little ones. Who could blame him?

Jumper shook his head. “Naw. They’re Talbot’s strippers. They know what’s at stake,” he smirked.

“Why are we worried over a couple of strippers?” Painter barked, losing his patience. “What are we gonna do about Whistler and Shooter so we can get our fucking club back?” Leave it to Painter to get right to the point. Truthfully, he was only saying what we all were thinking. When shit got bad enough for a lockdown, it put all of us on edge.

Snickers followed his comment. Some of the brothers were just as eager as Painter was to get back to normal, and normal for them meant the freedom of drinking, fighting, and having sex without the worry of innocent eyes watching them. Of course, the restaurant had always been off limits for that kind of activity anyway because of the constant presence of civilians.

Children were strictly prohibited from the back clubhouse, and the same went for the bar, but shit happened. Kids had a way of turning up in places they weren’t welcome. The old ladies knew what went on because, hell, at one time or another most of them had been part of it, but they still didn’t want to see it, and they especially made an effort to shield their children from it.

“Do we think they’re still in the area?”

I nodded reluctantly, remembering what Talbot had said. The fact that Shooter was looking for me spoke volumes, solidifying the belief that he thought I was a rat and was gunning for me. “He made it pretty fucking clear why they’re here,” I growled, taking the joint from Snake. One hit off a joint wouldn’t do much for me, but I took a deep drag and held it in my lungs. “Whoever is hiding them is either getting serious money for it, or doing it against their will. We hit all the usual hangouts after shit went down, but got nothing.”

Hawk’s gaze darted to Fox. “Check the hospitals, see if any doctors or nurses have turned up missing in the last day or two, someone who didn’t call in. If you get nowhere, check the clinics. You said Shooter was wounded, could be that they’ve dragged a civilian into it.” He swung his gaze back to me. “How bad do you think he was hit?”