“Bella. Wait.” That’s Drew’s voice calling in the distance. I’d know it anywhere, but I still skip away, not wanting to talk with him while Brianna is no doubt standing on the porch looking at me sympathetically.
If this incident has taught me anything, it’s to never trust Drew. A few days ago, he was all about me, asking me to admit my feelings to his friends and my father, but we got into one little fight about it, and look what happened. He’s back with Brianna in a heartbeat.
And that’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell my dad, because it would have been embarrassing to open up, only for him to lose interest in sleeping with the coach’s daughter.
Thank goodness I trusted my instincts and didn’t tell anyone. Too bad my heart didn’t get the memo.
Chapter 24
Marissa slams the door as she walks into our dorm room, startling me from my staring contest with the ceiling. She’s on her phone and hasn’t noticed me cowering under my bed sheets. I grumble and cover my ears with a pillow to protest her coming in so loudly. Doesn’t she know that I’m trying to wallow in my own misery over here?
“I know. I can’t believe it, either. I heard that she’s going to transfer with him.”
Transfer? I groan because I know exactly who she’s talking about now, and I don’t want to hear it. That’s why I’ve been holed up in our dorm room for the last two days, because the only thing anyone on campus can talk about is Drew.
She either ignores my incoherent grumbles or talks so loudly on her phone that she doesn’t hear me. “Do you really think she can stay here after that video? Come on. Her reputation is tarnished. I mean, who does that?”
I really wanted to ignore her, but it’s clear she’s talking about Brianna, and I think eavesdropping on her potential mistakes might make me feel better about this whole thing.
Marissa barks out a laugh. “I know. It’s so gross and unsanitary. I will never look at a workout bench the same again.I mean, who gives a blow job while lying naked on one? I’ve heard toilet seats are more sanitary than a public gym.”
My eyes blink open in just enough time to see her shiver in disgust.
Did she say blow job and gym? Why does that sound awfully familiar and so unlike Brianna?
“Who are you talking about?” I lift out of my bed, pushing the pillows away, so I make sure I can hear her correctly.
Marissa jumps out of her skin and winces. “Sorry, I’ve got to go. Yeah, we’ll talk about this later. Okay. Bye.”
She flips off her phone, and I stare at her with eager eyes. “I found out why Drew’s leaving. Really thought you would be the one to find out before me since you’re in with the football players, but I guess hiding in your bed isn’t exactly the place to get all the gossip.”
My heart gallops in my chest because she has confirmed nothing, but I know exactly where this is going to go, and I feel faint.
Her eyes wiggle in amusement. “Drew was caught in a very compromising position in one of the football weight rooms.”
“What position exactly?” I know the answer, but I need to know how much Marissa knows, because then I’ll know how much has gotten out.
She cringes as though she suddenly realizes this might hurt to hear. “Do you really want to know? I mean, I know you and Drew had something going on recently, and I wouldn’t want to hear about my ex’s past, no matter how much I hate him.”
“Tell me,” I spit it out with my eyes closed, fully expecting the worst.
“A sixty niner.” I want to melt into a puddle and be tipped down the drain like that ice cream I accidentally nuked earlier. Marissa’s right. I’m never going to recover from the humiliation.“Honestly. Who would do that in a public gym? That’s so nasty. Do they not care about germs?”
Wait a minute. She’s not chastising me personally, and if she knew it was me, I would be getting a completely different set of questions.
“Who’s the girl?” I look her in the eyes to see if that gives anything away.
Pushing her lips from side to side, she says, “I don’t think you’re going to like this.” That’s an understatement if I’d ever heard one. “Brianna.”
Wait. What?
Has Drew invited other girls to the gym because he looked awfully surprised when I showed up naked?
“Brianna?” I repeat, and she shrugs sheepishly. “How did you find out?”