“But what about your foot? I thought you said you weren’t allowed to start running on it just yet?”
“I’m good. It’s all part of the rehab.” Lies, lies, and more lies. That’s all I’m doing these days because it’s easier than honesty and facing my reality.
I throw on a pair of sweatpants and the sweatshirt I stole from Drew. The one I’m sure he doesn’t know I’ve stolen, trying to take in his scent. It’s starting to fade now, but if I sniff hard enough, I can still get a faint aroma of his cologne.
“You’re insane, and I can’t deal with your level of crazy.” She throws her bedsheet over her head and grumbles something I can’t quite make out, but I know it’s not flattering.
Once I have my sneakers and headband on, I head down the stairs and start jogging - okay, limping to Drew’s house.
Texting him isn’t an option. He won’t answer. Besides, if he does, he might try to stop me. I figure I can just casually jog past and see what he’s up to on this fine morning. If he’s not awake, then I can just walk away.
No harm. No foul.
It takes me ten minutes and a lot of stabbing pain in my leg to get to the now-familiar house. The snow has thawed, making the street look less magical than before, and all the lights are off, butDrew’s big ass car is in the drive. He’s home, albeit potentially asleep.
My heart flutters when I look at that stupid car and house because it makes me realize just how much the owner has grown to mean to me, whether he wants to acknowledge it or not.
My steps slow as I walk past a very blue, very sexy convertible. My heart thumps through my ears because I can’t imagine it’s one of Drew’s roommate’s cars. It’s too feminine.
I’m almost shaking with anger because that can’t be Brianna’s car, can it?
I guess the only way to find out is to check. Taking a few soft steps up the porch, I’m careful to avoid the squeaky step I remember from when Drew carried me in.
Casually, I stand on my tiptoes and try to peek inside the house, but I can’t see much with the lights off and curtains drawn.
Resting my face against the cold glass, I try to see if I can hear anything, but again, there are no signs of life.
I really should go. If anyone sees me here, they’ll think I’m trying to rob the place in my black hoodie and pants. It would be better to leave now than have to explain to the cops that I slept with the quarterback and he’s not returning my calls.
It’s just…now that I’m here. I don’t want to leave.
So instead of leaving, I take a few steps in the other direction. If I was worried about skirting the lines of legality before, I know I’ve crossed them now.
Little spindles of grass wet my shoes as I tiptoe around the house to the back gate. I unlock it ever so quietly and shut it behind me.
Is it still breaking and entering if you haven’t technically broken into the house?
Oh, well.
“Surprise, surprise,” I whisper to myself. I can’t hide my smile because the light from the gym is reflecting out onto the backyard.
I know it’s Drew in there. He’s the only weirdo that would be up this early to work out in a home gym.
I sneak slowly to the door by the gym and peek through the glass. My stomach drops, along with my heart.
Drew’s in there. Shirtless and brilliant, of course. Not that I would expect anything less from him, but it feels different knowing that I’m not invited and that he might have moved on.
Sweat drips down his chest all the way to his soaked black shorts. He looks so hot. He’s a tease, and he doesn’t even know it.
With my hand on the glass, I’m frozen on the spot, watching him like a kid standing outside a pet store, staring at a cute puppy. I want him so badly, it’s starting to hurt my insides.
But then it happens.
I startle backward because Drew’s eyes connect with mine, and I don’t know if I should run or hide, so I do neither. I just stand there and wave my hand against the glass in greeting.
He hops off the machine with an expressionless face and makes his way to me.
Still frozen, I watch Drew, hoping he’ll invite me in, but expecting him to tell me to leave.