“It’s a commercial break, and the game only has a minute left. Have you never been to a sporting event before? They play music to hype the crowd up.”

“Please, Bella. The only sports my father would let me attend were my cousin’s Polo matches and I hated going because of the poor horses. Not to mention my cousin is a complete and utter arse, and I only tolerate him when I have to. My family isn’t builtfor all of this American razzle-dazzle, where a minute left in a game can drag on for hours, and you need constant stimulation of all senses otherwise a riot will ensue.” She waves her hands flippantly below. Perry didn’t give me much information on her family, but I know her upbringing was completely different from mine. Raised in the upper echelons of British society, she did things and met people I could only dream of, but it has made her somewhat disconnected from reality. Let’s just say, she wasn’t the most helpful when I was trying to acclimatize to my new culture, but I couldn’t complain. She was genuine and loyal – the only things a good friend needs to be.

I roll my eyes, lolling my head to take her in. “It’s not hours. We’ll be out of the stadium and heading home in the next thirty minutes, max.”

“We?” She raises an amused brow.

“Yes, we. I’m not exactly going to ditch you after I invited you here.”

“But what about Mr. Perfect? Don’t you want to see him?”

Isn’t that a loaded question? Do I want to see Drew McCallister after so long? Of course I want to. Just seeing him out on the field makes it feel like I’m having a heart attack, and he’s at least one hundred feet away, but do I want to see him in person and shatter the façade that he might still be in love with me like I am him?

That, I’m not so sure of. I can’t help but think after everything he’s been through, he’s changed, and he might have found someone better suited. Someone that saw his worth the minute they met him. Not a girl who was too clouded in dealing with her own daddy issues to see that she was in love with the loyal quarterback.

“You can’t leave without at least saying hello. He clearly wants to see you.”

I purse my lips and shake my head. “Doubt it. The guy dates models now. Why would he want anything to do with a girl who sews her own clothes and lives off the chicken caesar bacon baguette from work?”

She blinks a few times before sighing in exasperation. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that he texted you after not talking for a couple of years andaskingyou to come and watch him play. Sounds like someone might want to at least catch up.”

“That’s because I’m the only person he knows in London.”

“Or you’re the only person he wants to see.”

Before I can answer, the stadium lights up with fireworks and brings my attention back to the field. Perry jumps back in surprise, screaming so dramatically that I cringe and apologize to the other members of the box, but no one seems to mind. In fact, they all just smile at Perry as though they are used to this from her. I didn’t think anyone knew her when we walked in, but now, seeing their reaction has kind of made me think differently.

“What on earth is going on? I can’t handle the sensory overload of these events. I can’t believe people come to this for entertainment.” Perry’s half-heartedly covering her ears now, and her lip is visibly snarling as she looks down that the field with discontent.

“Good thing you don’t have to anymore, then.” I smile, my heart feeling full when I see the jumbotron. “Games over. The Rattlesnakes won.” Pointing at the screen, I say, “And that’s Drew. He’s about to be interviewed.”

Perry squeals as she grabs my arm. “That’s Drew?!” I nod, smiling softly as I try to fake nonchalance, but I’ve got to admit, seeing my ex is making butterflies bubble in my stomach all over again. Perry is saying something, but I’m too engrossed with studying my ex to take in her words. Besides the hair and stubble, he hasn’t changed one bit. Same deep eyes, samefriendly smile, same gooey feeling in my heart. Why did I ever leave him?

Perry whistles, and then looks at me with a glint in her eyes. “He looks way hotter than in his google photos?”

Turning my head sharply, I stare at her with wide eyes. “Wait. You googled him?”

“Of course I did. You can’t tell me that you used to date a celebrity and not expect me to look him up. There’s a very real chance that I might know him.” Ah, yes. When I mentioned Perry was raised in the upper echelons of British society, I meant to say she’s some kind of aristocrat. Although she’s never gone into detail, and I don’t ask. She always maintains that the reason she asked me to live with her was because she liked the fact that I was a clueless American and had no idea who she was. Still don’t. Unlike her, I like to value people’s privacy, and I haven't bothered to look her up. There’s only one person I’ve stalked online before, and he’s below, beaming at another woman because he just won his game.

“Celebrity is a loose term for an American Football Player in the U.K., don’t you think?”

“We had an American Football player compete onStrictlyonce. Hadn’t a clue who he was but goes to show you that we Brits have a very loose definition of the word ‘celebrity.’ We let our Health Secretary compete onI’m a Celebrity,for Pete's sake.”


“But anyway, he’s much better looking than google would suggest. Can’t believe you shagged him, if I’m honest. He’s a babe.” She’s speaking so loudly that I hush her and turn to make sure it’s just us in Drew’s family box. If Jacob, or worse, Drew’s mom, walked in hearing that, I would die of embarrassment. The only respite I have is that I know Jacob is currently playing forthe Charlotte Crossbills in North Carolina, so he most certainly won’t be here.

“Keep it down. I’d rather the whole stadium didn’t know.”

“You sure? Because if I did the dirty with a guy like that, I’d be shouting it from the rooftops.” She cackles, leaning her entire face against the glass so that she can get a better view. She is so embarrassing sometimes.

“It was a long time ago.”

“Not long enough for him to forget you, though. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?” She walks to the back of the private box, gets a bottle of water, and takes a swig. “He’s trying to rekindle things?” She throws me a cheeky smile and waggles her eyebrows. “Oh, but please, if you do decide to shag him tonight, could you do it in his hotel room? Our walls are so old, they’re thinner than anAfter Eight,and I’d rather not be reminded of what I’m missing out on.”

Ignoring her, I turn my attention from the jumbotron to the field below, looking for Drew in and amongst the players. “We’re not going to shag tonight. I’m pretty sure he’s got a girlfriend.” I swallow, thinking about Sam Taylor’s beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, cursing myself that I was never good looking enough to make it as a model. “So he’s only invited me here as a kind gesture.” Or worse, a guilt invite because we were supposed to wait for each other, and I guess we didn’t.

That’s not entirely his fault, though. We texted daily the first six months I was here with the messages always skirting on the wrong side of appropriate, but I never felt bad about it. I liked being able to talk to him and feel connected, even though we were thousands of miles away. Things only started to get complicated when he was picked late in the first round of the draft. He didn’t have much time to talk after that because he was either training, doing press conferences, or photo shoots. It was hard being in different time zones and still grapplingwith the idea that we were ‘just friends.’ I didn’t know what the boundaries were or how much texting was too much. I completely stopped texting back when pictures of him and Sam hit the internet. I felt stupid and embarrassed that I thought a guy like him would want to still be with me. Sam was everything I was, but better. She’s strong, independent, and has her own career. What’s there not to like? Deep down, I knew I couldn’t compete with her, so I didn’t bother trying. I let Drew go, and as much as it broke my heart, I thought it was for the best.