I huff. “Because that’s true, I will not punish you for saying it.”

We fall quiet, listening. Ruby’s voice is higher and louder than usual—loud enough to sense she’s angry, but not loud enough to hear why. Her outbursts are punctuated by soothing tones from Ava.

Then there’s a loud outburst from Joey. “That maggot!”

Sami and I trade wide-eyed looks, and I take a tiny bit of guilty pleasure that she looked at me first.

I slide off the bed. “That was the bestie signal.” She’s already following me out, Josh bringing up the rear.

In the kitchen, Ruby is sitting at the table looking like her expensive dinner is about to come back up. Ava is rubbing circles on Ruby’s back, and Joey is pacing and speaking filth under his breath, but not far enough under because I hear it—and appreciate it.

“You fight?” Joey snaps at Josh.

Does Josh, the prep school grad and law firm darling pretty boy, fight?

Josh shrugs. “I can, yeah.”

Sami shoots Josh a quick glance that says his willingness to throw down will be handsomely rewarded.

“Get in line, boys,” I tell them. “Her BFFs will want a word with the dirtbag first.”

Joey scoffs. “This is big brother business. What are you going to do, insult him into submission?”

“Yes.” Ava’s voice is so calm only an idiot wouldn’t realize she’s the far-worse threat.

Joey pauses and exchanges looks with Josh. “Fair enough.”

“Niles didn’t propose,” Sami says, her voice even as she states the obvious.

Ruby gives a sharp laugh that lacks an ounce of humor.

We fall into silence, waiting for a cue from Ruby about what she needs right now. After a minute, she sighs and straightens, watching Joey pace across the kitchen twice before she speaks.

“Niles proposed,” she says with the most tired sigh I’ve ever heard.

Joey stops. “You said you broke up.”

“We did.”

Sami’s fingers switch to drumming on Ruby’s knees. “I’m . . . confused.”

“Me too,” Ava and I say at the same time.

“He proposed,” Ruby says. “It’s not like we haven’t talked about it over the years. We were on the same page as far as kids and timing and all of that. I liked knowing what was coming and when. But I also liked that when I knew tonight might be the proposal, I was surprised. We haven’t talked about rings. I liked that he was being semi-romantic.”

I don’t like giving Niles credit for anything, and right now I want to kick his stupid shins.

“I know you guys don’t like him,” she says. “I’ve heard you call him NilesQuil.”

Sami and Ava exchange guilty looks.

Josh clears his throat. “Permission to question the witness? I think better this way.”

Ruby heaves another sigh. “Sure.”

“Joey, go stand in the doorway over there. Pretend you’re the bailiff.”

My hand shoots up. “Can I be the judge? Niles is guilty.”