“Our sparks were a once-in-a-lifetime lightning strike, but I have to assume that’s only for me. I can’t see anyone wanting to play second best to that, and I don’t think I’ll need another marriage of convenience in my lifetime, so you might be it for me, Oliver,” I tease him. “My one-and-only husband.”
His smile in return is subdued, and now that I understand his position in his company, I bet it’s because of the weight of other people depending on him.
He hands back Big Stripey and stands. “For both our sakes, I hope I’m not your one and only husband. But let’s think on it, and I’ll come over tomorrow so we can decide for real.”
“Can’t wait,” I say as he walks out of the office. “See you tomorrow for brunch and an engagement.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Madison talking about ourkiss yesterday nearly did me in.
For a split second as I watched her eyes nearly roll back in her head at the memory, I almost canceled the whole proposal and walked out. I’d seen a vision of the future with me one hundred percent crazy in love with Madison while she patted my head like one of the damn kittens.
Not even my mantra of Azora employees was enough to stop me. Instead, it was Madison unironically saying she was sure she’d know if she had chemistry with someone while I was literally sitting in front of her face.
If I can remember that statement plus the glimpse of my future as her hopeless pet, I can keep the distance I need to get this deal done and get her the money she deserves and Azora the money we need. I woke up this morning, ready.
I’m pretty sure I’m going to be engaged in less than ten minutes. I lift my hand and knock at her front door.
Ava answers and looks at me in surprise. “Hey, Oliver.”
Guess Madi didn’t mention I was coming. “Hey, Ava. Is Madison here?”
She glances toward the stairs. “Yeah, but she sleeps in on the weekend because of her late shifts. Want me to go wake her up?”
Do I want her to go wake up sleeping Princess Madison after I have spent the night tossing, turning, questioning my sanity, but not sleeping? I’d like that job.
“You mind if I do it? We’re supposed to be getting brunch right now.”
She steps back and waves me toward the stairs. “Knock yourself out. Her room is to the right.”
I take the stairs and tap on her door, earning a groan at the third attempt. Knowing I won’t wake her out of a dead sleep, I walk into a caramel-scented room with a blob under a comforter on the bed. A foot with cherry-colored toenails sticks out from the covers.
Who’s going to be confronted with a legendary bed and not test it for themselves? Not me. I plunk myself down, stretching out with my hands behind my head, gazing at the ceiling. Her room is soft grays and pale pinks with accent pieces I would bet are from Teak Heart. It’s sophisticated and feminine, but with soft textures that make it welcoming. Shaggy pillows. Silk bedding.
There is a rustling next to me, then something like a grunt with a question mark at the end.
“You overslept for our life-changing brunch appointment, so I came to find you.”
The blob lurches up and says, “Oliver?”
She lets the blanket drop and pushes her hair out of her face, making an architectural thing happen as it bunches on the side of her head. “What time is it?”
“A little after 11:00.”
“Oh.” She blinks at me, and I wonder if she wears contacts. “You’re in my bed.”
“I’m testing your claims of greatness.” I give a soft bounce. “Not going to lie, I do feel like I’m being cradled by a thousand angels while kittens purr me to sleep.”
She gives me a sleepy smile. “I know.”
“You can never let Ruby win this.”
A nod. “I know.”