Page 8 of Christmas Kiss

That’s probably easier said than done. It took everything in me not to offer her a hug after hearing all the drama she’s been through. And now, staring at a pair of thin cotton panties hanging from her dresser drawer, Iknowthere’s no way it would stop there.

This shouldn’t be happening. I shouldn’t give a fuck about some young girl’s panties. I shouldn’t give a fuck about any of my employees’ underwear. Yet, here I am, cock hard, wondering whatthatpair smells like.

The bedroom door creaks and footsteps move behind me. “You ran off without pie. I figured you’d want some.” Mariahsettles a plate on the end of the old wooden dresser where the panties are hanging. She blocks the drawer and stuffs them back in as though she’s being sly. “So, ugh,” her cheeks are red as she says, “what do you think? Any chance I get this place perfect before the baby comes?”

I glance around the room, taking in the splintered floors, the cracked window, and the door that looks like it doesn’t even close fully. Honestly, she’s screwed. This whole house needs a full refurbish, not winterizing. That said, I remember when my cousin was pregnant, and someone told her they didn’t think she was ready to have a baby. I thought she was going to stab them on the spot. “Nah, we can make it work.” I’m not entirely sure how we’llmake it work,but I know I couldn’t do any of it with knife wounds.

I set the caulk gun on the dresser and reach for the pie plate, balancing the fork as I sit on the edge of her bed. “Thanks for bringing this in. Sorry I left so abruptly. I hadn’t realized how late it was getting.”

She sits with me and tries to cross her legs, but she’s awkward as she moves. She looks like she’s in a constant state of trying to get comfortable.

Honestly, though, fuck this pie. I wishshewas the dessert. The little dress she’s wearing is creeping up at her thighs and it’s showing off a tattoo on her outer leg. I didn’t peg her for the inked-up type.

“You have that done in town?”

She leans to the side and lifts her skirt further up her leg, displaying a giant cross with flowers surrounding it. “Yeah, Penelope over at Rugged Mountain Ink did it for me a few years back.”

“Mean something special or you just like the art?”

“I wanted a reminder to live my best life and to know that there was always someone watching over me, ya know?” Sherolls down her dress. “What about you? You get yours in town, too?”

“Yeah, but most of these were done by the old school artists. Henry, Maddox, Izzy, and all of it was just shit I liked at the time. No real meaning.”

“I want to go back when the baby is born and get his or her name under the cross.”

“You picked a name yet?”

“If it’s a girl I’m thinking Sabrina, and for a boy,” she shrugs, “not sure yet.”

“Charlie’s a good name.” I grin, shoveling the sweet, spiced pie in.

“I hear it is.” She leans up from the bed and winces before settling down again. “Shit.”


“Nothing. It’s just a nerve in my back that keeps getting compressed. I get this shooting pain down my leg, and ugh… I know I’m going to love this baby, but pregnancy is like having an alien growing inside of you that’s taking your calories and telling you when it’s time to piss.”

“Turn around and I’ll rub your back for you.” The words come out before I’ve fully thought them through. I’m pretty sure I have my dick to thank for that. It’s currently set to full sail and I’m sure it thinks that rubbing her down will lead to something more than it will. I consider apologizing for the statement, but she’s nodding her head before a second thought.

“Oh, yeah! I mean… that sounds nice, but you’re already doing so much. I didn’t say something just to add another chore to your list.”

You didn’t,but it’s what I hoped for.

“I’m right here, and we should get comfortable with touching each other anyway, given the circumstances tomorrow and all. We want our relationship to look real.”

“Right.” She nods again and I guide her into the rocking chair in the corner of the room. “You don’t need to convince me.” She grins. “Wedohave all the lies we’re telling to think about.”

I laugh with her, and head to the attached bathroom to wash my hands quickly. I’m not sure what the hell is happening but I’m excited for it.

I land my hands on the back of her neck and slide down the tops of her smooth shoulders. Lord, she’s perfection. Her soft skin, her silky hair, the way she moans as my hands rub against the muscle. “This level of pressure okay?”

She hums and rolls her neck to the side as she says, “Oh, God… yes. That’s great. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I needed this.”

Judging by the ache in her voice, I can guess she needed it quite a bit. I roll my hands down over her shoulders and lean her forward slightly, dragging down either side of her spine as she moans loudly again.


My cock drives forward to attention and my willpower leaves in droves until my hands are all over her and she’s groaning.