She laughs. “I need to keep moving or my whole body stiffens up. I always make fun of my mom when she talks like that, but turns out… it’s a thing.”
“Yeah, well, youshouldbe resting more.”
More laughter ensues. “I don’t think I’ll ever rest again. I’m raising a baby on my own, working two jobs, and maintaining a cabin. Did you know there’s like a million things you’re supposed to do to your house before winter? I didn’t.”
“Yeah. Apparently, you’re supposed to seal your windows and weatherproof the pipes. I’m sure Chevy told me something about that, but I’ve been distracted with the baby’s room. I couldn’t decide on green or yellow paint. I went with sage green. I figured that was a good color for a girl or a boy.”
“So, it’s a surprise, then?”
“Yeah. Someone told me it was one of the best surprises you’ll ever get in life, and I think that’s true, but try telling that to my sister. Since Mira’s found out, she’s been frantically asking me.”
“Well, she’s impatient. I think you’re right to wait. I didn’t realize you were working a second job, though. Where’s it at?”
“The general store. Right now, I do nights and weekends, but once the baby comes and the Christmas season is over, they’re going to let me work days and pick up extra shifts as needed.”
“Is that what you want… to be at the general store?”
“No.” She looks down at the ground, then up again. “I want to be a photographer. I had this whole portfolio I was working on. I was going to do a book of all the special spots in Rugged Mountain, like the tattoo shop, the lodge, Mrs. Robinson’s house, the diner, the lookout. But like most things in my life,” she rubs her hand over her stomach, “that was put on hold.”
“Doesn’t have to be. You could still do the book.”
Her brows narrow. “With what energy? I’d need to take the photos, do the edits, traipse all over town, and quite honestly, by the time I’m done with work, I don’t have much left. And after this baby comes, I can’t imagine I’ll suddenly have a burst of energy.”
Why do I feel so much fucking empathy for this girl? Is it her big, dark eyes, the long dark curls, the way she moves her hips, or… is it that big, round baby bump again?
Lord, I’m about to make a mistake.
“What time should I pick you up for the wedding tomorrow?”
Her forehead wrinkles and her cheeks turn pink. “What? No. We talked about this and decided it was weird, remember?”
“Yeah,” I sigh, tucking my hand into the front pocket of my jeans. “I remember, but you’ve got a lot going on. I want to help.”
I seem to have some sort of temporary amnesia. The kind where I’m ignoring the fact that my cock is pressing hard against my jeans, and I have no idea how I’m going to manage keeping my hands off her.
She bites back a smile. “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. It’s going to suck.”
“I’ll be there to help.” Another gaggle of customers pops up the stone drive with Christmas music blaring. “I’ll be over tonight, and we can seal up your windows. The least I can do is try to knock a few things off your list for you at once.”
“What? No. You’re—”
“It’s already decided.” I reach back for another tree and settle it against the tailgate. “Get back to work.”
She turns and hides a grin that she’s biting back. Something about this sends a rush of adrenaline pushing through me, as my palm aches to reach out and smack her round ass as she walks away, but I stop myself.
Damn, it’s going to be hard controlling these urges.
Chapter Three
“No, he’s coming here tonight.” I shouldn’t sound as excited as I do, but I’m ecstatic, though I shouldn’t be.
This could be a nightmare.
Charlie is my boss, he’s so much older than me, and I’m currently pregnant,very pregnant, with another person’s baby. I don’t need to be lusting after a man I can’t have.