Page 17 of Trash the Dress

“Um, yes, could you give me her information, please?” I ask.

“Certainly. And, Miss Shepard, congratulations. From where I stand, babies are a beautiful blessing. I hope you feel the same once the shock wears off. Is the father…” He stops and looks at me with brows drawn together, concern now evident on his face. “You weren’t hurt by the father, were you?”

I glance back at him. “No. The father of this baby was the perfect gentleman. No worries there,” I assure him.

He looks relieved. “I’m glad. I’ll leave Dr. Ray’s information on your table. If you need anything else, please let me know. I’m happy to help if I can.”

I nod my thanks as he leaves the room. My head drops back to the pillow once more. I’m still propped up with a little tub beside me. I feel queasy, but not in a way that I feel like I’ll throw up again. In a my-whole-world-is-about-to-change way. I’m having a baby…and with a man I barely know who wants nothing more to do with me. Wonderful.

Anna comes back through the door to find me covering my face with my hands. “What is it, Scarlett? What did the doctor say?”

“I guess you were right about the destiny-wink thing.”

Her brows furrow in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I’m pregnant,” I blurt out, still shocked.

“By Mr. Hottie-Tottie-Grumpy-Photographer?” she asks.

I nod. “I haven’t been with anyone else, Anna.”

“Didn’t you use protection?”

“We did. We used a condom. But he pulled it from his wallet. What if it was expired or had a hole in it somehow? That’s not really the best place for them to be kept. Anything could happen to affect it,” I say, starting to ramble.

“What will my mama say? She’s the epitome of a saint. She’s never done anything she wasn’t supposed to. And Dad…oh my gosh. He’ll know I’m not a virgin anymore. He’ll think I sleep around,” I say as I feel shame try to pull me under.

“No, ma’am. You’re not doing this to yourself. You are a good person. You didn’t mess up. I still say this is destiny. I don’t know how it will play out where your grumpy baby daddy is concerned, but I got you. Auntie Anna’s got you too, baby,” she says near my stomach.

“When do you get to spring this joint?” she asks.

“As soon as that bag is empty. He wants me to finish the fluids,” I tell her.

“Sounds good. We’ll leave here, then grab some food now that we know it’s not food poisoning, and go back to that B and B so you can rest. But I want details now. You said he was good, but he must’ve been damn good,” she says giggling.

“Anna!” I say, not sure if I should laugh or cry.

“I speak the truth, my dear. And you love me for it,” she says.

“I do love you, Anna. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Lucky for you, you never have to find out because you’re stuck with me. But now, you’re stuck with someone else too. You’ve gotta tell him,” she says seriously.

“I do. But he may send me packing. The heartbreak he experienced…he doesn’t want a relationship. And I’m guessinga baby isn’t in his plans either. But you’re right, I need to give him the chance to be a father to his baby. I have no idea what to expect. I’m scared,” I tell her.

“Don’t be scared. This may be one destiny wink that brings you more happiness than you ever thought you’d have,” she says excitedly.

I smile. Or it may lead to more heartbreak, except now it’s not just my heart on the line. It’s my baby’s too. And for them, I hope he can rise to the occasion, whether I’m in the equation as his significant other or just as a co-parent. Time will tell, and right now, I understand more than ever…all things that are meant to be, will be.



“Luna Dove Abbott. Isn’t she beautiful?” Brittney gushes as Hawk holds their tiny newborn daughter in his arms.

I can’t help but smile as I watch this tough-as-nails guy cradle his little girl. I guess that song “Tough Little Boys” by Gary Allan is true. I never realized how much a baby can change things.

“Congratulations. I’m happy for all of you. She’s beautiful like her mom,” I say. Hawk glances up at me with a murderous expression. I hold my hands up in surrender. “I’m just saying you’re a lucky man. You have a beautiful wife and now daughter too,” I say while laughing.