“You lookevery bit as beautiful as I did,” Kailey said as she slipped the rhinestone flower clip into Adrianna’s loose blonde curls.
Adrianna laughed, knowing that despite the way it sounded, Kailey had meant it to be a compliment, not a slight. She looked at her best friend through the mirror, lifting her gaze up just a bit since she was in a chair. “And you look every bit as beautiful as I did when I was your Maid of Honor.”
“Except little miss thang is a matron of honor,” Becky teased. “Is she ready for me yet? I think Dominic was insulted she asked you to do her hair and I’m just dying to get my hands on her to do some wedding day makeup.”
“There’s no one else I’d trust with my face more,” Adrianna teased.
Just as it had been nearly a year prior, there was a gaggle of women in the master suite at Kailey’s father’s home. Though she only had three bridesmaids instead of six, the room was just as crammed due to Becky, a photographer and her mother crowding init.
A knock at the door caused her to snap her focus from the ladies around her toit.
“Adrianna, it’s Mr. Donovan. Can you come to thedoor?”
She watched in the mirror as the color visibly drained her face as the flashback of Kailey’s wedding slammed into her. Though she knew the Best Man at her wedding was there, she was praying Jaxon hadn’t received some ridiculous urgent deployment earlier in the morning.
“I’ll get it,” Kailey whispered, giving her shoulder a squeeze.
“No, it’s okay. I’ll get it.” Blowing out a breath she ignored the burn of bile as it rose up in her throat.
It’s going to be okay. There’s no way anything is wrong.She chanted over and over as she crossed from the on suite bathroom to the door and pulled itopen.
Mr. Donovan stood, looking as impeccable as he had a year before in a black suit, leaning against the door frame. His expression changed from delight to panic as he looked at her. “Oh, you think I’m going to tell you Jaxon couldn’t be here?” He shook his head and threw I back laughing. “I promise you, my son is nervous as a lab rat in the guest room taking shots just like Jimdid.”
“Jim did what?” Kailey snarled from behind Adrianna.
She chuckled, not surprised Kailey had come to make certain everything was on track. “He managed to walk fine, woo you with his vows and dance his feet off. I think we’re past needing to care that he needed to drink a little beforehand.”
“Fine, you’re right.” Kailey conceded. “Why are you here if everything is running smoothly?”
Adrianna had the exact same question.
“Because,” Mr. Donovan said as he took Adrianna’s hand. “I wanted to tell her how happy and blessed I am that my son found the perfect person. I couldn’t ask for a better second daughter and I’m more than excited to have you officially join the family.”
“Mr. Donovan,” she sniffled, feeling tears buildup.
“I think it’s time you called me, Dad”.
She stepped into his outstretched arms and cried for a few seconds. Sniffling, she pulled back and smiled at him. “I’m so lucky to have the best second dad any girl could askfor.”
“It’s my honor. Now, go in there and finish getting ready so you can marry myson.”
“And I’m incredibly lucky to have a very beautiful, intelligent daughter. Even if she is going to go thousands of miles away to be with her husband.” Her father said, stepped up next to Mr. Donovan. “You look amazing, Sweetie. You’ll outshine everyone in the room once you’re walking down the aisle on my arm. Now, do as your other father says and go get ready.”
Laughing, she went back inside and sat in front of the mirror. “Okay, Becky, make me beautiful.”
“You’re already there. I’ll just make you sparkle.” Becky said as the flash of a camera wentoff.
She allowed her mind to float as Becky seemed to apply the perfect amount of shimmer and blush in all the right places. In less than thirty minutes, she would be Mrs. Jaxon Donovan. She would be marrying the man of childhood dreams and he was so much better than she could have ever askedfor.
“There. Just in the nick of time,” Becky stepped back and pulled at the chair. “Are you ready to get married?”
Jaxon wassweaty and it had next to nothing to do with the warmer than usual spring day. As each bridesmaid had walked down the aisle he’d felt more and more like he was ready to jump of his skin. Seeing Kailey glide along with Jim made him wish he could tug at his collar. Thankfully, all his time in the military standing at attention made it possible for him to ignore that urge so he didn’t look like a nervous cad when they watch the video of their wedding.
Without warning the tempo of the Wedding March deepened and he watched as the guests in the yard rose. Shaded, just outside his vision he heard the back door crack open for the finaltime.
He was unprepared to see Adrianna standing before him in a wedding gown, and the sight nearly brought him to his knees. Her blonde hair lifted in the gentle breeze, rustling the curls before setting them almost carefully back down on her shoulder. She’d chosen an unconventional dress – an off the shoulder lace gown that went to just below her knees. The lace was covering up some short of a white shimmering layer of fabric, and she looked to be every bit the angel he knew her to be as she walked towardshim.