Page 8 of Something Borrowed


There wasnothing he’d ever experienced that matched the way his body seemed to tingle and tremble from the kiss with Adrianna. From the tip of his toe to the top of his head, he was alive with energy from just one moment – a moment his sister had decidedly interrupted.

Turning away from Adrianna he almost chuckled at Kailey when he saw her face. Even in her stunning wedding gown, she had still managed to assume her typical annoyed pose – garment twisted at the waist into her hand, eyes narrowed and pursed lips. She’d had twenty-eight years to perfect the look, and she never wasted an opportunity to be pissed at someone.

“Don’t smirk at me, Jaxon Michael Donovan.” She wagged her finger at him as she took a step closer, ultimately leaving Jim alone on the dance floor.

“Oh uh, Kailey has broken out the finger wag, I must run andhide.”

“Not funny, Jax. You were supposed to be nothing more than brother-of-the-bride. Yet, somehow you wormed your way into the ceremony and now tricked my best friend into falling for a night of bed play with you. When are you going back on deployment?” She growled, and if it had been possible, laser beams of hate would have radiated from her hazeleyes.

“Kailey, it wasn’t like that.” Adrianna started, stepping out from behindhim.

“No, it wouldn’t have been, would it?” Kailey crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t think I hadn’t noticed the way you stared at him literally every time you saw him from the time we cared aboutboys.”

A part of him puffed up at the knowledge that Adrianna had been interested in him as long as he’d been fond of her. Very few people hadn’t been attracted to him in high school, and he’d sometimes wondered if Adrianna’s spurning had made him want her. That kiss certainly cleared that up. You want her, and she wantsyou.

“Kailey, just calm down.” He lowered his voice, trying his best to make certain no one understood the tiff there was happening dead center on the dance floor in their yard. “I didn’t mean to overstep. I didn’t want your groom's party to be off, and it made more sense for me to walk with Adrianna than anyone else because we know one another and I am your brother. Most people want their brothers in the wedding party.”

“Most people don’t have an arrogant show off for a brother.” She retorted haughtily.

He flinched, the words dealing far more of a blow than he liked. Despite everything he’d been through, and all the times he’d tried to be a better brother to Kailey, she only saw the jerk she’d grown up with. He didn’t blame her, but it was upsetting given all he’d been through the best ten years.

“Kailey, I’m sorry. I was just caught up in the moment.” Adrianna tentatively touched Kailey’s arm. “Watching you and Jim . . . it made me long for that too, and Jaxon washere.”


Kailey’s face softened just a bit, and then fully as a smile spread across her lips. “I had no idea we made you feel that way. I’m sorry, Aid.”

“Well, you’re allowed to. It’s your wedding afterall.”

Kailey’s grin was ear-to-ear.

Situation defused, he thought to himself, knowing that Adrianna had always been good at being the level one between her and his sister.

“Well, in that case, the whole reason I was looking for you both is its time for the toast.” She blinked and looked at him. “Just try and not ruin my best friend. She’s the best, and we both know you aren’t.” With that, she turned and wandered over to the table and sat, Jim shrugging apologetically as he followedher.

“She didn’t mean that,” Adrianna said, her lips still puffy from their kiss. “I have always wanted to do that, but you’re not the boy you used to be. Even a few minutes of talking showed me that. Don’t let her upset you.” She dropped a quick kiss on his cheek and hurried toward the table to grab the microphone.

The younger version of him probably would’ve dropped his gaze to watch the sway of her ass in the bridesmaid dress as she glided way. He didn’t though. All he could do was stare at the back of her head and process what she’d said. Jaxon was highly aware of how obnoxious he’d been as a kid. It was something he tried to make up for with every day of his adult life – but it wasn’t as if he’d been a thug or a dealer. He’d just been a kid who knew his potential and liked to proveit.

Had she seen beyond that the whole time? Or has she only been interested in kissing me for the same reason so many other womenwere?

“Thank you all for joining us today,” Adrianna’s voice came through crystal clear through the speakers placed in the backyard. “It’s been nothing short of a terrifying journey helping Kailey get to this day,” she tossed a grin at Kailey as everyone laughed. “My best friend can be difficult at times – to the point where we were certain she’d sprouted green scales and a tail during the past year while we planned.”

More laughter ensued, including his. Adrianna looked beautiful, and quite at home, standing before a crowd full of people. Which made perfect sense given her career as a reporter. He’d watched one of her segments online when he’d first heard she’d started working with WDSU. She’d been impressive, even barely out of college. Her striking good looks made her a natural choice to be on screen, but seeing her that done up had stirred an old attraction in him as he’d sat on a cot, and he still remembered how she’d looked. Her blonde hair had been longer, tied back with a clip he’d assumed, but it had seemed fluffy, framing her face and making her eyes sparkle. Every detail was etched into his memory, including the glossy pink lip gloss that appeared to have made her mouth even more kissable.

“So thank you, Kailey, for taking me on the wild ride of being your best friend. You truly are the Yin to my Yang, but I’m okay sharing that with Jim now.” Adrianna finished with a wink and set the microphonedown.

He couldn’t help but smile at the applause and laughter surrounding him. He hadn’t heard the whole speech, but it was apparent she’d done good, which reminded him that he was the stand-in Best Man and didn’t have a speech.

Tugging at his collar he approached the table. He’d been in battles that terrified him less. Despite what Kailey thought, he loved his baby sister and didn’t want to ruin her special day. Kailey shot him what could only be described as a warning look before passing him themic.

“Hello there everyone. Those of you familiar with Kailey know that I’m her big brother, those of you familiar with Jim are probably wondering where Marco is. Unfortunately, Marco was detained by the good ‘ole military, just as I have been many times.” He could hear the forced charm in his voice, but as he looked around, everyone appeared to be smiling. “So, please excuse me if my speech isn’t perfect, I’m wingingit.”

Turning just his head, he looked at Jim before picking up the extra toasting glass meant for him and lifted it. “It was a privilege to stand beside you today. I’ve only had the honor of meeting you a few times thanks to my own deployments, but it only took those few small meetings to know you were perfect for my sister. I’ve watched you tangle head-to-head with one of the fiercest women I know and come out on top – that alone is a skill I do not possess.”

Laughter rang out, and he saw his father clutching his stomach with laughter. He snuck a peak at Adrianna and was pleased to see she was smirking aswell.