“Oh, okay. Sorry for the interruption,” her dad said, apparently having heard the shouted sentence from Mr. Donovan. “We’ll let you get back to dinner then. Call us . . . after. Bye, Sweetie.”
She heard a strange sound come from the kitchen, something that sounded an awful lot like Kailey screaming. Since it wasn’t an open floor plan, she couldn’t see anything, and nothing came after it. Must have been your imagination or someone in a house nearby.
Setting the phone back down on her purse she shook her head. The holidays made people nuts, but this was a little strange for three typically level-headed adults. Shrugging, she walked back through the living room and nearly passed out as she rounded the corner to the formal diningroom.
Jaxon was there, down on bended knee is in his Dress Blues, sans cap. A small box was open in his right hand, the item inside catching the light from the chandelier and sparkling, unlike anything she’d everseen.
“Jaxon,” she whispered, torn between fighting to not fall over and racing over tohim.
He smiled, his eyes dancing withjoy.
“Adrianna, I have an early Christmas present, me.” If it was possible, his smile grew bigger.
She could feel her heart hammering like a rabbit’s in her chest, but she couldn’t get anything to come out. The diamond ring that flashed with beauty inside the velvet box left her throat dry and her mind blank.
“I know this might seem fast, but when you think about it, we’ve known each other since I was eight – this has been a long time coming.”
She vaguely thought she heard Kailey squeal from where she sat at the table.
“I don’t want to spend another day apart. I know that’s unlikely in the military, but I want to take as much control of it as I can. I don’t want to see you every three months for a few days. I want to wake up beside you and fall asleep holding you as soon as possible. There’s no one else for me, there never had been because I’ve been waiting for you I suppose. Adrianna Maisey Laurant, will you marryme?”
Her mind spun, and she could feel the tears trailing down her cheeks. Quickly, she glanced at Mr. Donovan and saw him standing, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. Then, she found Kailey, who was crying as well while Jim rubbed her back. Looking back at Jaxon before her she knew only one possible answer that she could givehim.
“Yes,” she breathed out on a whisper.
“Yes?” Jaxon asked, getting up off hisknee.
Nodding enthusiastically, she repeated herself, “Yes. Absolutelyyes.”
She didn’t feel much as he slid the ring on her finger, just what came after. He took her in his arms and dipped her, just like they did in old-fashioned movies, before dropping his lips to hers. Warmth enveloped her with his touch, and her body stirred with happiness and desire, knowing this would be the last man she ever kissed.
Jaxon pulled away, gently resting his head on hers. “I can’t believe you saidyes.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were doing this!” Kailey shouted, causing everyone to laugh.
“You’re serious, right? This isn’t some random thought that you have rightnow?”
He kissed her again, his fingertips trailing up and down her back as he did. “You think I set up a surprise entrance and bought a ring nearly three weeks ago and I might not be serious?”
Her cheekbones would have broken if she grinned any wider. “I just needed to check.”
He chuckled and slipped his hand into hers. “I know this is rushed, but how do you feel about a spring wedding?”
“I think it sounds like the perfect time.” She had a feeling if he’d asked her to go to the courthouse tomorrow, she would have said yes – not that they would beopen.
“Congratulations,” Mr. Donovan said with a warm tone. “I couldn’t have asked for a better second daughter.” He walked over and hugged her, dropping a kiss in herhair.
“You knew?” she accused, but not in a serious manner.
He nodded. “I knew. Someone had to make certain you were in the right place for him to track youdown.”
“My parents knew too, didn’t they? That’s why they called.”
“Of course. I needed to ask permission.” Jaxon grinned.
“And if they hadn’t givenit?”
He smirked at her. “I would have asked anyway.”