Page 37 of Something Borrowed

Chapter Fourteen

“Everything smells delicious, Mr. Donovan,”Adrianna said with a smile as she inhaled another lungful of the Christmas turkey that he’d pulled out of theoven.

“It had better, or my wife would kill me for ruining her recipe,” he joked, setting it down on the table. “I’m glad you could join us for an early Christmas dinner this year. We don’t normally do it on the twenty-third, but circumstances and allthat.”

“I’m honored to be included.”

“Oh shut up, Aid. It’s not like we haven’t been doing Christmas at each other’s houses every year since we were eight,” Kailey snorted from across the table.

Grinning, she unfolded her napkin and placed it over her lap. “True, but since we’re doing it on the twenty-third this year so you and Jim can celebrate your first Christmas as newlyweds alone, there wasn’t a guarantee I was coming.”

Kailey just rolled her eyes and leaned forward to spoon some of the creamiest mashed potatoes Adrianna had ever seen onto a plate.

“If everyone could get their side dishes, I’d like to wait a moment to cut the turkey,” Mr. Donovan said, eyes flicking from person to person. “I’d, um, like to let the turkey cool just a few more minutes.”

Adrianna saw Kailey give her father the side eye, but the request didn’t seem that strange. Letting the turkey cool before cutting into was what her father did too. She glanced at Mr. Donovan and couldn’t help but notice he seemed . . . fidgety.

“Is everything okay, Mr. Donovan?” She asked, hoping he was feelingwell.

“Yes, yes. Everything is perfectly fine. The perfect evening for an early Christmas celebration.” He glanced out the formal dining room window.

Adrianna couldn’t help but follow his gaze out onto the lit up Uptown street. Christmas celebrations in New Orleans could rival New York City’s – and that wasn’t just her opinion, travel guides said it all the time. The bright lights blinking just outside the window were paired with huge blowups, digital light shows, life-size mangers and pretty much anything else the people of New Orleans could give a Christmas vibe too. Growing up she’d gotten sick of the nearly eight hundred monthly events centered around the holiday, but as an adult, she found some of them rather enjoyable.

“What is everyone looking forward to most this year?” Jim asked, squeezing Kailey’s hand. “I know I’m looking forward to starting new traditions.”

Kailey practically beamed from beside him. “I’m looking forward to the time off. It’s been a hectic event planning season, as usual, and I’m ready to just be with Jim for a few days.” Kailey looked to her dad when she finished speaking.

“I’m looking forward to the house all quiet and to myself for some quality reading on Christmas Day.” He grinned. “Not that I don’t love having you here of course. How about you, Adrianna? Ready for anything special?”

She chuckled. “I’m more than ready to see Jaxon on Christmas morning. It’s felt like forever since he was last home and I didn’t realize how utterly draining that couldbe.”

“I’m sure he will surprise you with the perfect gift,” Mr. Donovan said, his smile wide. “So, does the station have any plans for the holiday broadcast?” Mr. Donovan asked as he sat at the head of the table.

“Nothing outside of the ordinary. Just a little Christmas outfit here and there among the staff and of course, Tommy’s famous ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas reading before we signoff.”

He smiled. “I’ve always liked that tradition. When Tommy signs off for retirement, I hope his replacement, or you, pick the traditionup.”

“Dad, come on. You and I both know Adrianna will be off gallivanting the globe with Jaxon long before Tommy Engle retires.”

She fought off the blush she knew was likely there anyway. “Jaxon and I will do what comes naturally to the relationship.” She ached to be able to stuff a forkful of something in her mouth so she couldn’t talk anymore.

Her phone rang, the tone chiming loudly through the downstairs of the house. Saved by the phone. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t answer her phone during a meal, but it was impossible to ignore it anytime it rang because she always hoped Jaxon would be on the other end. It was her least favorite thing about herself since dating Jaxon, the constant hope that she would hear fromhim.

“I’m sorry. Let me just grab this real quick since we haven’t started.” Pushing back from the table she walked as quickly as she could and grabbed her phone from her purse on the couch. “Mom?”

“Hey there, Sweetie.” Her father’s voice responded.

“Okay, orDad.”

He laughed. “Just stole your mom’s phone, she’s here too, though.”

“Hi, Sweetheart!” Her mom shouted through the phone.

It wasn’t that she didn’t speak to her parents often, but she couldn’t think of a previous instance when they called together. Especially not when they knew she was at the Donovan’s for Christmas.

“If that’s your folks, tell them it hasn’t happened yet and to call back.” Mr. Donovan called out from the diningroom.

She didn’t understand why it mattered if she had or hadn’t eaten yet, but why else would they have called?