My night’s going better than expected.

Waiting around and fumbling for my opportunity to whisk Natalie away from that shit-hole bar aside, our evening together is progressing nicely. Who’d have thought taking what you want would yield such great results?

But where do we go from here? Lazing in my living room and sipping champagne with a beautiful woman isn’t my usual style. I’m like a fish out of water, trying to make her comfortable while doing my best to tame my desires.

Kicking the shit out of those goons in the bar is what I’m best at. This? It’s a new level of hell I don’t think I can escape from.

“I still can’t believe you did that,” Natalie says, kicking her feet onto the coffee table. Her words snap me out of my daze.

“No one lays a finger on what’s mine,” I say. A strict rule that has gotten me very far in this life.

“Yeah, but it was three of them and one of you.” She places her champagne flute on the small table to her side.

“The odds weren’t really fair, were they?” I follow her action, replacing my glass with her hand. She doesn’t seem frightened by my touch, nor does she attempt to pull away. It’s a good start, right? “Should’ve waited for more of their friends to come by.”

She laughs, and that heavenly sound washes away my fears.

Don’t overthink this. Stay in the moment and enjoy yourself.

“So, my big strong man, if you can beat the pulp out of three dudes, probably more, why do you seem so nervous?” She brushes the back of my hand with her thumb.

“I’m not very good at this,” I admit, though it stings me to do so.

“This?” She raises a brow.

“Yes. Whateverthisis.” I wave my free hand between us. I’m the sort of man who shoots first and asks questions later. Sitting here with a beautiful woman at my side, I’m at my wits’ end.

I’ve always taken everything I wanted. A nice car? The dealers are under the Lion’s protection, and they wouldn’t stop me from taking whatever I pleased. A big apartment with a beautiful view? Bought the building and kicked the tenants out, so I could have peace and quiet.

But a woman to hold, love, and care for? No amount of money can buy that kind of feeling. Or threaten her to love me. I guess that’s why this whole damn thing is starting to eat away at me. I bought her by paying off her dad’s debt. Made her mine without so much as a thought to what she wanted. Even now, Natalie could be smiling and playing along, while deep down, she’s terrified of what I’m going to do to her.

I’m a monster for throwing her into this position, but I’ve come so close to having her, I refuse to back down now.

“Seems to me you’re doing a pretty good job at it,” she says. “But if you’re really this concerned, why not stick to what you’re good at? Shoot first, and we’ll ask questions later.”

Her words do wonders for setting my mind at ease, but it’s her big blue eyes and the subtle pout on her lips that give me real confirmation. Maybe we’re both floating high because of what happened at the bar or maybe she really wants this the same way I do. Whatever tomorrow brings, be it problematic or not, I’ll deal with it then.

I pull Natalie onto my lap and press my lips against the bare skin of her chest. I’m burning up, spiraling out of control, and no matter how I try to fight it, I know it’s a losing battle. I want her. Need her.

“Do you want this?” I ask, hands already dancing down the sides of Natalie’s body. She has to say yes. Has to tell me I’m not a monster for what I’m about to do to her.

“I…” She hesitates. Her big blue eyes stare deep into mine, and her lips start to tremble. “I do. So. Fucking. Badly.” With each word, she grinds up against me, desperate, pleading.

I shove my hands under her ass and stand, hoisting her up with me. My lips lock with hers, an instant blazing passion that only furthers my deepest desire to sleep with her. But I won’t rush to it. I won’t put myself into a situation that could leave me embarrassed and Natalie unsatisfied.

I spin around with Natalie in my arms. She giggles against my lips as I crumble to my knees and drop her onto the sofa. My lips find whatever skin they can. My nose breathes in deep lungfuls of her light, fruity perfume. And my tongue gets its first taste of Natalie.

She groans at my ferocity, sinking down the sofa while I explore her body with my hands and mouth. I yank down her tube top to expose her voluptuous breasts. With no bra for support, they bounce free and lock me in a mesmerized trance.

“Like what you see?” She squirms beneath my body, a hand of her own wrapping around my neck to guide my face into those magnificent tits.

I oblige without a care and suck a nipple into my mouth. Natalie squeals in delight. I stroke the pointy bead with the tip of my tongue, and it sends her body into euphoric spasms. All the while, my hands travel down her sides, clawing at the tight shorts hugging her ass.

She bucks her hips, giving me easier access to peel them down her legs. I trail kisses down her abdomen, making my way closer and closer to the gate of her promised land.

Every kiss inspires another whimpering sound from Natalie. Those noises push me further into my lust-fueled frenzy. I reach my destination, and her intoxicating scent fills my nose. It makes my mouth water, and I can’t stop myself from indulging in the buffet on offer.