“There was one.” My mind returns to her. Natalie. A guardian angel who swooped in to save her father in the nick of time. He can count his lucky fucking stars. Had she arrived a few minutes later, I’d have taken his finger.

“Who?” Salvatore brings his whiskey to his nose and eases back in his deep red leather throne.

He isn’t angry, against what I let Luke believe. He rarely ever is on missed payouts. The money he gives these people is barely a drop in the ocean of his wealth. Sending me to collect these debts isn’t about his return. It’s about sending a message and demanding power in this town. The more people he can get under his thumb, the further his influence extends.

“Luke Pryce,” I say, taking a seat opposite him.

“The factory worker who lost his legs?” For someone who doesn’t seem to care all that much, his memory of these people surprises me.

“Yes,” I answer and tuck my hand into my breast pocket.

“And you’ve dealt with him accordingly?” He takes his first sip.

“Yes and no.” From my breast pocket, I pull the full fifteen thousand dollar debt Luke Pryce accrued. I hand it to Salvatore, and he drops it on top of the rest.

“Seems to me it’s dealt with. So, what’s the problem?” He pats the stack of hundreds I handed him.

“I’ve squared off his debt, and in return, I’m taking his daughter.” A bold statement, but there’s no sugarcoating what’s happening here.

The stern look on Salvatore’s face cracks, and a devious smile replaces it.

“You rarely cease to amaze me in the new, cruel ways you come up with to torture your victims,” he says. I expected resistance and got praise instead? Must be my lucky day. “So, why do you look so anxious mentioning it? What’s got you worried, old friend?”

“Your blessing.” It was bold of me to make an offer to square Luke’s debt without the Don’s approval. Being in the aftermath of it and having far worse expectations for how this meeting would go, there’s no way to shrug off the anxious look without a clear-cutyesfrom the boss.

“I get my money, and you thrust fear into the heart of the man who took it. Why would I decline you the simple joys and pleasures of life?” Salvatore asks. “You have my blessing to do whatever you’d like in your personal life, Dante. Always have, always will. As long as you keep up the good work, why would I stop you?”

“Thank you, Don Lione,” I take a small sip. So does he.

“As always, your commission for a job well done.” Salvatore sets his drink down beside the stack of money and hands me half of what I gave him for the Pryce payment.

I pocket it the same way I brought it out and swallow the rest of my drink in a big gulp.

“Is there anything else you need, Boss?” I ask out of habit. But it’s different tonight. I almost feel obligated to do more with the gift he’s given me in pursuing Natalie.

“No. You’re a free man for the time being. Go have some fun with your new prize.” He starts packing the cash into his desk drawer. He doesn’t bother counting it, knowing I’d ensure the numbers all lined up.

I swallow the last of my drink and leave. My bet is I’ll have a few days before the Don calls me back into his office for my next task. And oh, the fun I’m going to have with my golden-haired angel until that call.



The Next Night

“Ican’t work a double shift tonight, Larry. I’ve got prior engagements,” I say.

I didn’t have plans for the evening, at least not originally. But the second I saw the Demon of Delta County barge through the front door, I knew my night was about to get interesting.

Maybe it shouldn’t be my first thought, considering he uses this place for business now and then. I mean, we still haven’t even said a single word to each other after his bold statement ofmebeing what he gets for squaring off Dad’s debt. But no one has joined him at the table, and he’s nursed the same beer for nearly an hour. I’d be a fool to think this is a coincidence.

“Don’t do this to me tonight,” Larry Kissinger, the Windmill Bar and Grill’s manager, groans. “Bianca called in sick, and we’re understaffed as is. I need you working the floor.”

Larry runs a hand through the sweaty mop of shaggy hair hanging over his forehead.

Bullshit. The only reason he wants me to stay is so that he can keep staring at my ass in these overly tight shorts. And he hasn’t been subtle with his intentions of getting in them, either. Dirty remarks, assigning my shifts to align with his when the rowdiest clients are around, and even offering to buy me a drink long after the bar is closed.

And after eight months of shutting him down, he still won’t take no for an answer. His persistence knows no end, and the only reason I put up with it is because I need the money.