Her feet stopped her as they bumped into the toes of Dale's shoes. He smiled at her and looked back briefly at Nessa.
“Time to get this party started, huh?”
His tone was a bit melancholy, and it saddened her. She hadn't thought about how the exchange would affect him. Her eyes raised to his, and his grief shone out, leading to a moment's hesitation. Could she and Stryder wait it out?No.The thought was strong in her mind, and she would never doubt this choice. She twisted her lips in a half smile, trying to let him know it would all work out.
“Only if you promise not to sound like that. This is a gift. For both of us. I am getting what I have always wanted, even if I fought against it for a while. And you? You're getting all that power you talked about the first day.”
He shrugged half-heartedly. “What is power without friends?”
She laughed softly, even as pesky tears misted in her eyes. “I suppose there is a particular book series you may just have to pick up, so you can open the doorway. I hear they're pretty good.” She winked playfully at him. “Besides, someone has to find out if I mysteriously get written in the books, the author’s random muse knocking.”
That drew out a real laugh, and he pulled her in for a hug. “Something tells me I'll be too overwhelmed by boring romance to pick them up. But for you, well I just might.”
The tears slowly fell, and for the first time since she'd allowed crying back into her life, she let them. She let them fall for all that she had lost, and all everyone else had lost in the game between brothers. All she wanted was to let Alcott know what she had become. How she had changed, but that was neither here nor there. Their rules had always dictated once a story closed, it's entrances and exits did as well. She'd contemplated reading his books over but didn't think she could handle it if it didn't work.
Sniffling, she bit her lower lip and shook her head to clear the emotions. Turning toward the man in the trench coat, she nodded her head. “Thank you for this. I'm not entirely certain how this won't count as interfering, but thank you.”
He just nodded back before talking. “I'd love to tell you this is some grand ceremony. That music will play, and confetti will rain down on you. But it's not. It's quite simple and run of the mill. I'm going to ask you to give Dale your power, and Dale, I'm going to ask you to accept it.” He paused and waited for them both to nod. “Then, Ciara, you picture it leaving you. Whatever that means to you, and Dale, just be open. That's it, kiddos. One less fighter on my side, and one stronger one.” He shrugged as if it didn't matter, but she had a feeling it did.
“Alright,” her voice was a little more than a whisper. It was really happening. She was leaving it all behind. Details for her exit from her world had never been discussed, but she'd been assured she would have closure, and there would be a way for her to know. She thought briefly about Gina, Derrick, her classes, her pathetic job, and she realized she would miss absolutely everything.
Dale nodded his response as well, and the man in the trench coat turned. Where he was looking, a shimmering doorway formed.
“A last minute gift, Ciara. Consider it my thank you for getting Dale on this side of the fence.” He winked at her and gestured for her to walk forward.
Shuffling her feet, she peered into the doorway and was unable to stop her cry. “Alcott!”
On the other side, stood her first Guardian, her mentor in so much. He stood with a smile on his face. She immediately put her hand toward the door and felt it connect with something. She turned to the man in the trench coat.
“There is only so much interference even I can do, Ciara. Take it for what it is.”
Solemn, she nodded and placed her hand on the invisible barrier. “I don't know if you can hear me, but maybe if I talk slow enough, you can read my lips.”
He smiled, and it looked as if he said 'yes' before she continued.
“Thank you. For everything. Your residual gifts saved my life more times than I can count. Even if you weren't there.” She turned quickly and gestured for Stryder to come up next to her. “This is who replaced you. I love him, Alcott, but I do miss you.”
He didn't get to respond. A head nod was all she saw before the doorway swirled to a close.
The tears streamed freely down her face, and Stryder pulled her in and kissed her head, pulling her away from the closing doorway, so she didn't see Alcott go.
“I am glad he knows you're safe. I promise him I'll never let anything happen to the little girl he helped grow up.”
She bit her lip and tasted the salt on it. Nodding she wiped at her eyes. “Thank you.” Drawing in a deep breath, she turned back to the others. “I'm ready now, please.”
He nodded, and Dale nodded as well, she had forgotten he was there.
“Ciara, do you willing grant your gifts to Dale?”
“I do.”
“Dale, do you accept these gifts?”
He grinned. “You betcha, ‘cause I do is little too wedding like for me.”
They all laughed, and some of the tension eased.
“Now, Ciara, the rest is on you.”