She flushed at Demarcus and punched Stryder in the shoulder when he just grinned.
“Thanks, De. I don't know where I'd be without you.”
“Oh please, your ass would be in a little slice of hell playing Lucifer's pet until he got tired of you.” Demarcus grinned.
When she laughed, more tears slipped free.
“Hey, no tears, sweetheart. He's kidding.” Stryder placed a kiss on her head. He must have seen the ring on her finger at that moment because he grabbed her hand and yanked it to his face. “Fuck yes. Brothers, if you don't mind, get out. I have a woman to ravish.”
Their laughter followed them out the door, and she felt her body respond to the idea of being with him.
“I love you. I love you, and I don't care what happened when I was gone. Just seeing your answer, damn proud to be me right now.” He beamed at her.
She laughed and let her hand run over the side of his face and down. “About that, we need to talk before you ravish this female. Trust me, you have a lot of ravishing to do, so I have no intention of stopping you. Oh, and I love you, Stryder. I love your stupid demon side, this world and the idea of being your mate.”
He beamed even wider and bent to kiss her.
“No Stryder, I mean it. We need to talk.” Her nerves weren't going to hold up much longer. What if he'd only wanted to be with her, so she could free him to her world? What if he didn't like her choice? What if he thought she was pathetic once she gave her powers up?
He hung his head before speaking. “I'm sorry, Ciara. I can't make it go away, but what I said was unacceptable.”
“Shh, by ‘we need to talk’ what I really meant wasI need to talk, and youneed to listen.”
He laughed and lay down on the bed, pulling her down onto his chest. “Sweetheart, the day you don't try to order me around, I'll have to check you for a pulse.”
She smirked at him. “I wasn't with anyone while you were gone, unless you count myself.”
Heat flashed in his eyes, and her body mirrored the heat, thinking what he must have been thinking as well.
“Stop looking at me like that until I finish. I was introduced to another Word Speaker. To be honest, I'm not sure if it was to help me or help him as I was told. His name is Dale. So, yes, you smelled a male because I'd been with him and his Guardian before stepping through a doorway to my front door. Which, by the way, I can apparently use them anywhere if I know where I'm going. Who knew?”
“I know, I can't say it enough, but I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I smelled that other guy too. That one you were with before me.”
“Would you shut up and let me finish? I'm shocked you have a nose that good, heaven help me if I burn a meal!”
He snorted and opened his mouth to interrupt, but she glared.
“Anyway, I visited Derrick. It was innocent, I thought. It doesn't matter. If it wasn't for his stupid actions, I don't think I would have realized how much I wanted you, this life, this world.”
“So I owe him one?”
“Oh, would you shut up!” She sat up and crossed her arms muttering, “Five minutes, and he can't stop being a pain!”
His laughter filled the room, and before she knew it, she was laughing along with him.
“The point I'm desperately trying to make is if you meant it, if you really want me, I'm yours. Right now, forever. Somehow, there is a way to give my gift to Dale, to strengthen his. But that means I'll be nothing. No powers, nothing to offer but me, here, in your world.” She blew out a breath and realized she'd closed her eyes, not wanting to see his face.
“Open your eyes, Ciara Miller.”
She did as he ordered and saw the heat still shimmering out of his eyes.
“I want you any way I can have you. Powerful, powerless. Under me, on top of me. You name it. I meant it, my demon side claimed you as its mate, and if I get to keep you and stay in the world I call home, well then all that's left to do is get the transfer set.”
His words were exactly what she wanted to hear. “Oh no. Not just yet. There's something I need to do first.” Playing with her powers for one of the last times, she used the element of wind to lock the door, tugged her shirt off and stepped out of her leggings. “You have a female, a soon-to-be-wife, to ravish, and I suggest you get started.”
His grin sent wicked chills through her body as he tugged the sheet off his already naked torso and pulled her to him to do exactly as he’d promised his brothers he would.
She heard the growl in his voice, and she rubbed her legs together, friction a silent God between her legs, answering the growing heat as they'd been talking. How had she wanted him so badly during such an important conversation?