“No, but I heard you could, and damn would it be nice to be able to see her, her world. Any of them really.”
Her heart tightened for him a little. He might have all the information, but he wasn't enjoying his gift.
Eyes still scanning the computer, she was confused because he'd listed at least a hundred bullet points on the page. A low whistle came from her. She didn't even think she knew a hundred things. “How did you get so much information? I have next to none.”
His tone was flippant, and she wanted to shoot some power at him just because she could.
“Be the unwanted, people talk because they don't care what you know because you aren't a threat.”
“I'm not going to lie. You rubbed me the wrong way.” She extended her hand. “So let's try again without the dramatics, k? I'm Ciara.”
He actually blushed, and she smiled, shaking his hand.
“Dale. And sorry. I've been told more than once by the brother that I'm worthless, and he would trade me away.” He shrugged looking quite uncomfortable. “But it's all I really have making me kind of unique, that’s why I chose dark.”
She had stopped listening. Who were they talking about? Who had a brother? “Um, I'm sorry. A brother?”
His mouth hung open just a little, and he frowned. “Damn, with all your power, why don't you know very much? He didn't say you didn't not know this much.”
“Double negative,” she muttered.
“Excuse me?”
“Nothing, you just used a double negative. Sorry. Writer in training.”
Dale nodded. “Not me. Purely a reader on my end. The guy who sent you here? The mysterious one who is in charge? His brother apparently knows he can't hook you, so he's stayed away. But, wait, do you know about the war that's supposedly coming?”
“I was recently made aware, yes.” Her eyes narrowed to slits, and she was beginning to want nothing to do with this game if she could avoid it and keep Stryder. “Let me sum it up. I have had two Guardians. I am using powers I didn't even know I had, and yes, I'm aware the man who comes to me is in opposition to someone. Aside from that? Hmm…let's see. I'm twenty-five, recently out of a seemingly perfect relationship that was going nowhere fast, the dream of being a writer. Oh, and the intensity with Nessa, I basically let my Guardian, Stryder, fuck me standing upright the minute we met. So no judgment on my part.”
His eyebrows knitted together, and she couldn't wait to hear what he thought.
“Oh, and yeah, I pretty much can do anything a witch can, since my powers take lingering energy or something like that.”
“Well, to counteract that I'm twenty-six, birthday’s in a few months. I've had eleven Guardians. I can't go world-hopping, or whatever your power is. I can fight my own battles and do get powers akin to my Guardian. I have no clue why you told me your sex life, but if we're doing the quick bonding, then yea, pretty much the same with Nessa, and every other I've had. But two Guardians? Shit, what was that like?”
“Nice. Complete. Wait, you've had the same connection to Nessa with every one of them?” Bile rose in her throat at the idea that she wasn't really supposed to be with Stryder after she had finally decided she wanted him, no matter the consequences.
“Yup, uncontrollable, mind-blowing lust, every single time.” He grinned wickedly at her. “Why? Not the same with you?”
“Well, no, actually. But I did experience attraction to my first Guardian. But he was like a brother.” She scrunched her nose up thinking about all the times she'd wanted more from Alcott and was quite happy he'd never let her because their relationship had been perfect the way it was. “But my current one, I'd call it way more than lust. So does he.”
“Hey, put that freaky fireball out, will ya?”
She looked down and hadn't even realized she had done it.
“I wasn't trying to insult you. I guess you're in love with this guy. Cool, I didn't know we could form relationships long enough for that to happen. Can't say I'd mind being with a Guardian long enough to do that.”
“In all honesty, it was only about two weeks. Stryder’s missing now,” her voice wavered, and she cursed at herself. “I was just told that he's okay, but it's hard without him. I can't read and I can't write. Before you ask why, it's because I don't know about you, but I've noticed I unconsciously open a doorway when I do that.”
“Hmm…I hate to ask stupid questions. But you seem to have a ton of shit in your arsenal. Why don't you just let loose and take them down?”
“I did the other day, at work of all places. But I don't know how I'd fare if a group of them came at me.”
“A group!” his voice raised.
She could hear the panic lacing it.
“Shit, I've never seen more than one of anything.”