He blushed a thousand shades of pink and ducked his head. “What happened earlier? When you were staring at the boots and the coats? You went somewhere.”
I nodded. This was my chance. My chance to let him know how I felt. I had to get it out of me, or I might explode. “I was thinking how nice it is to see more than just my jacket and boots at the front door.”
His gaze darted toward the door, and his blush intensified. “I see. But there’s something else?”
I chuckled again. “You already know me so well. Yes, there’s one more thing.”
“What is it?” He moved closer. So close I could reach out and touch him. Pull him into my arms. Show him instead of telling him how I felt. One pull.
“I fixed the furnace and the water heater at Rudy’s house.”
Conrad busted out laughing and leaned forward. I caught his usual gingerbread cookie smell, but now it was intensified. He was turned on. Attracted to me. I wondered if he knew what that scent did to me. One look down would confirm it. “That’s all? That’s what has this worried look on your face?” He reached up and gently touched my cheek. I leaned into the small gesture, letting my bear growl a little, vibrating my chest in the process.
“No. No, that’s not all. I fixed the furnace.”
My mate sobered. “I know, Bert. I heard you. You fixed the furnace. Does that mean something you’re not telling me?”
I nodded. This was it. Time to be the alpha. “It means that Rudy’s house is now fit for you to stay in. You and Natalie arefree to go over there for the rest of your stay. It means…” I choked up. “It means you are going to leave and, for the love of the gods, I don’t want you to.”
Conrad’s features softened. His deep eyes assessed me as he cocked his head. “But we’re all settled here. Natalie wants to spend Christmas here—with you.”
“And you, Conrad?” I asked.
“That’s what I want too. Come on, you’re so grumpy when you’re worried. How about a cookie? Cheer you up.”
“You’re staying?” I confirmed.
“I’m staying. We both are.” He turned to get one of the snickerdoodles and then back to me. “Let me?” he whispered. If it wasn’t for my shifter hearing, I might not have heard the question. But I had. Loud and clear.
I wondered if somehow he knew what this meant. Feeding his alpha from his own hand. He might as well have marked me right there in the kitchen. He honored me with his offering. “I won’t bite. Yet.”
He slowly brought the cookie toward my mouth, and I opened. The scents of cinnamon and sugar tickled my nose and my mouth watered, waiting for the taste—of the cookie and him.
I bit down, taking more than half of it at once. The sweetness hit me first, followed by the warmth of the spice and the comforting vanilla. “You’re an excellent baker, Conrad.”
“Thank you.” He giggled. “You’ve got a little something.”
He rose on tiptoe to brush some sugar from my lips, but I took the moment and grabbed him to me. “Conrad, if you don’t step back, I’m going to kiss you.”
He gasped. “Then what are you waiting for?”
I wrapped my arms around his waist and covered his lips with mine. He relaxed into the kiss, opening his mouth to give me entrance. We angled naturally, deepening the kiss until footsteps coming down the hallway had him jerking away.
I chuckled low and deep.
Natalie walked up and got on her stool. Yeah, it was her stool at my counter now. “Daddy, I need some milk.”
Conrad swiped his fingertips across his lips. “Yeah. Milk. Okay. Milk.”
I ate three more cookies while I watched Natalie get milk and drink it down almost as fast as it was poured. Good girl. She would grow tall and strong.
She played at the counter while I helped Conrad put the cookies into containers.
“Bert?” he asked, bumping his hip with mine.
“Mm?” I asked.
“How would you like to continue that conversation we were having earlier…later on?”