“What are you thinking about?” Jack’s question pulls me from my thoughts.
“How wrong you were about that prophecy.” I prop myself up to look at him properly. “Remember how convinced you were that I would ruin everything?”
“I prefer to remember how thoroughly you proved me wrong.” His hands slide lower, clearly intent on starting another round of pleasurable activities.
I could definitely get used to mornings like this.
I lead Alana down the frosted corridor, watching her eyes widen at each new marvel. Her head swivels back and forth like she’s at a tennis match, trying to take in everything at once.
“So, this is where you’ll live now?” She reaches out to touch one of the ice sculptures, then yanks her hand back. “Holy shit, it’s not even cold!”
“Magic.” I wiggle my fingers at her. “The ice here only feels cold if Jack wants it to.”
A group of winter fae glide past us, their crystalline wings catching the light. They bow their heads slightly in acknowledgment.
“My Lady,” they murmur in unison.
Alana’s jaw drops. “Okay, that’s going to take some getting used to. You’re like... actually damn royalty now?”
“Trust me, I’m still adjusting too.” I guide her toward the kitchens. “Wait until you see where they make the food.”
The kitchen doors swing open to reveal organized chaos. Frost sprites dart between stations, carrying trays of sparkling delicacies. The head cook, Marigold, looks up from where she’s directing the controlled mayhem.
“My Lady!” Her smile brightens the already gleaming room. “And this must be the famous Alana we’ve heard so much about.”
“Famous?” Alana elbows me. “What exactly have you been saying about me?”
“Only the good stuff.” I snag a pastry from a passing tray. “Like how you’re the best nurse in Colorado and saved my ass more times than I can count.”
Marigold claps her hands. “You must try our winter berry tarts. They’re made with berries that only grow in eternal frost.”
She presents Alana with a crystal plate. The tarts shimmer like they’re dusted with diamonds.
“These are incredible.” Alana’s eyes roll back in pleasure as she takes a bite. “After all these fancy meals, Vi, you’ll never touch hospital food again. These gourmet dishes will have ruined you for life.”
“That’s fair.”
A commotion at the door draws our attention. Several kitchen staff scramble to bow as Jack enters, his presence immediately commanding the room.
“Ah, there you are.” He approaches us, nodding politely to Alana. “I trust you’re enjoying the tour?”
“Your Majesty.” Alana attempts an awkward curtsy that makes me snort.
“Please, just Jack is fine. You’re practically family now.”
“Family that you tried to freeze to death during that storm,” I remind him, but there’s no heat in my words.
“A regrettable misunderstanding.” His lips quirk up at the corners. “And not within my control. Though it did work out rather well in the end.”
Alana looks between us, shaking her head. “You two are disgustingly cute together. Who knew the Lord of Winter was such a softie?”
“I’m the one who had to watch you and Brad make eyes at each other for months. Talk about wanting to vomit,” I tease.
The temperature drops slightly, and I pat Jack’s arm. “She’s teasing us, love. No need to frost the pastries.”
The warmth returns as Jack relaxes, though he maintains his regal posture. “Perhaps we should continue the tour? The library is particularly impressive this time of day.”
“Yes, let’s go see the library.” I tug Alana’s arm, eager to show her my favorite room in the castle. “You won’t believe the collection they have.”