He knew, cognitively, that he wasn’t weak for not fighting the hunters, but another part of him made him wish that he could have helped take out the people who hurt his woman.
“I don’t know whether it was my worry for Sadie or her magic, but I was able to shift relatively easier that day. Maybe it’s our connection that has made my shifter side stronger.”
Luckily, both women were going to be fine. He knew that a part of him would have died if Sadie had been killed or permanently injured in some way.
“I’m in love with her and she is my fated mate.”
Saying the words aloud didn’t make his conflict any easier. Not for the first time, he thought about having a family. If we started having babies now, I would be in my sixties before they graduated from high school.”
He sighed and shook his head. Dakota was spry enough now to play with their children and help take care of them. “Hell, since I’ve met up with Sadie, I think that I could even shift with them and take them on the mountain.”
The scene playing out in his mind sounded good and he was so tempted to tell her he would stay in Angel’s Creek.
“I will die at least twenty years before her. If it’s true that women outlive men, then she’ll be alone for thirty years after I pass, leaving her to pick up the pieces. Can I do that to her?”
The other side of him argued that Sadie should have a say in her future and whether she wanted to deal with that.
“What kind of man would put that on a woman he loved? I know what Sadie would say. She would tell me she was willing to risk it to have a life with me.”
Dakota laughed at himself. “If anyone could hear me out here having an argument with myself out loud, they would haul me off to the looney bin.”
Staring at his computer, he realized he had missed Sadie a lot the last two days. He meant to go see her, but it had taken him forever to make the travel arrangements to get to Bhutan. Getting the right flights and paying for his tickets was just the first part of it. Then, he had to arrange for a vehicle rental to goto the reserve. Dakota also had to order the supplies he would need for his two weeks’ stay, including food and a first aid kit. Luckily, he would be able to take his very warm sleeping bag, clothes, and other personal items with him. He talked to Eknath about the specific coordinates of where he could camp out.
Dakota was literally on the phone or computer all day for both days. He hadn’t wanted to make the arrangements at Sadie’s house because he didn’t want her to overhear him on the phone. He also needed to make sure that he didn’t get distracted. Every detail had to be perfect.
A loud duck flying overhead caught his attention. He looked around him, taking in the view behind his house. This area had its own beauty. In his mind, every place on Earth had its own version of beauty, even if it was different. Then, an image of the cloud leopards in Bhutan and the sights he would take in and capture with his camera. Dakota knew that he couldn’t stay, although his heart would never leave Angel’s Creek.
His heart exploded when he saw her pull into his driveway. He rushed out to hold her.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m good. I get a stitch every once in a while, but Beth says that I’m doing well. I was able to go back to work today.” She looked at him and tilted her head to one side. “I’ve missed you the last couple of days.”
“I missed you, too. I’m sorry, I had some business that I had to take care of and it took me all day. By the time I was done, you would have been asleep.”
She nodded. “I understand. The world doesn’t revolve around me.”
He wanted to assure her that it did, but that would just make what he had to say to her later that much harder.
They walked into the house, hand in hand. “I have the corn and potatoes going already. Now that you’re here, I’ll start the steaks. How do you like them?”
“I like them well done. I don’t want anything a good vet could have back on its feet in fifteen minutes.”
Dakota laughed. “It seems I’ve heard that somewhere before – probably a few times.”
“I’m a bear shifter and even when I’m in that form, I don’t eat my fish raw. Prometheus gave man fire for a reason.”
“Prometheus, huh? Men weren’t smart enough to figure it out on their own?”
“Sometimes, I’m not so sure. I’ve seen some of the things that people do.”
“Fair enough.” Dakota led her into his living room and handed her a large gift. “I made something for you.”
Her face lit up. “Really?”
She tore open the wrapping and stared at it in awe. “This is beautiful. All of these animals are from the mountain, aren’t they?”