Sadie’s mind raced. Dakota would know that something was wrong when she didn’t show up for dinner tonight. Sebastian would definitely come looking for Talia. The question was, “Would they show up in time?”
The younger woman rifled through Talia’s and Sadie’s bags, pulling out their phones.
Snatching the phones out of the woman’s hands, the man who was obviously their leader said, “I bet we can find their alphas’ information on these.”
As they were roughly hauled to their feet, Sadie’s eye caught Talia’s. A silent promise passed between them. They would escape and survive this.
The younger woman tossed their clothes at them. “Get dressed.”
Talia and Sadie obeyed. Sadie wanted to scream out in pain. She was starting to feel weak from the blood loss.
Neither Talia nor Sadie could move very fast, so two of the men tossed the women over their shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Sadie wanted to bite the man carrying her but knew that would only get her and the baby killed. She had to bide her time.
After about half an hour, they were dumped unceremoniously in a cave.
Talia and Sadie hastily obeyed. The hunters set up for the night. They had caught some rabbits and cooked them for dinner. Meanwhile, the leader found Zac’s number in Talia’s phone and Matthias’ number in Sadie’s.
“Are you going to call them now, Robert?” the older woman asked.
“No. Shifters can see better at night than we can. We’ll call in the morning.”
The young woman offered Sadie and Talia food and water, which the women took. They had to keep up their strength.
Sadie tore the bottom of her T-shirt to make a makeshift bandage to try to slow the bleeding. Talia did the same for her wound. They huddled together.
“I found out today that I’m pregnant with Dakota’s baby. I’m scared.”
“Don’t worry. You know Sebastian. He’ll be here before you know it. These guys will wish they had never thought of coming here.”
One of the men approached Robert. “I like the look of that redhead. You should let me have a go at that.”
Robert sneered at him. “That’s disgusting. They are animals.”
“At least we are saved from that,” Talia whispered.
Sadie squeezed Talia’s hand. She was starting to get tired but told herself she had to stay awake. Eventually, though, darkness overtook her.
Dakota waited anxiously for Sadie to show up. He really needed to talk to her about him leaving in a week. He knew that she would be upset and he just wanted to get it over with.
Seven came and Sadie didn’t show up. He thought she might be running late, so he waited half an hour before he texted. There was no answer. He called. Her phone went straight to voice mail.
Fear gripped his heart. There was no way in the world that she would ghost him. That wasn’t in Sadie’s nature.
Dakota jumped in his truck and raced to Sadie’s house, breaking the speed limit as he drove. Her car was still in the driveway.
His breath caught in his chest when he saw that her house was dark except for the kitchen light that she always left on. He knocked on the door. There was no answer.
He had no idea how to get ahold of Sadie’s family or Matthias, so he called Zac.
“Hello, Dakota. What’s up?”
“Hi, Zac. I’m worried about Sadie. I don’t know how to get ahold of her people. We had a seven o’clock date and she never showed. I texted her and didn’t get a reply. I called her and it went straight to voice mail. I’m at her house now. Her car is in the driveway and her house is dark. She’s not answering the door.”
“Do you think that she would have shifted and gone out?”