Sadie woke up feeling sick to her stomach. She noticed that this had been going on for the last week. Luckily, she had managed to hide it from Dakota yesterday.

Making a mad dash into the bathroom, she barely made it in time. Her body ached by the time she was done being sick and she was so tired. She wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over her head.

Her fingers hovered over the buttons on her cell phone, trying to decide whether she really wanted to call in sick to work. Her stomach rolled and she decided that it was a good idea. Once she did that, she got a peppermint candy, sat on the couch, and rubbed her belly. Her breasts hurt and Sadie was pretty sure that it had nothing to do with her and Dakota’s activities.

“Damn. This was unexpected,” she muttered to herself. “Guess I better check in with the doctor to be sure.”

The clan doctor had an opening, so Sadie went in, crossing her fingers that she had the flu but knowing in the back of her mind that the situation was a little more serious than that.

Dr. Clements smiled at Sadie when she walked back into the room after taking blood and doing a physical examination. “Congratulations. You’re going to be a mommy.”

Sadie swallowed hard and plastered a smile on her face. “How far along am I?”

“Not far. About two weeks. The baby will be due in about five to five and a half weeks.”

Sadie nodded.

“I’m going to start you on some prenatal medication and we’ll set you up for monthly appointments for the first three months and then every two weeks after that.”

“Thank you.”

Dr. Clements looked at her curiously. “Are you okay? You don’t seem as happy as some women are when they find out that they are going to have a baby.”

“I’m okay. Just a little bit in shock. I’m not an idiot and I know how to take precautions. I just didn’t think about it. I can’t even tell you why. But this baby will be the most loved child in Angel’s Creek.”

“I’m sure that he or she will be,” the doctor said, patting Sadie on the knee. “I’m here for you if you need anything – even if it’s just to talk.”


Sadie drove home, her mind going in a million different directions. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. She had always loved kids and had a vague idea that she would want to have a few of her own. Now, she was going to be a mother. The only problem was Dakota.

“I know he loves me, but he doesn’t want to stay in Angel’s Creek. My love isn’t enough to keep him here, and I can understand that. My love isn’t enough to make me leave.”

She laughed at herself when she realized that she was talking to herself aloud again. Then, she continued with herconversation with herself. “Even if I was inclined to travel around with him, I couldn’t with a child in tow.”

The thought of not telling Dakota briefly crossed her mind. She wouldn’t want him to stay in Angel’s Creek because he felt trapped. However, she quickly banished that thought. He had a right to know about his child.

Sadie looked around her house when she walked in, her mind racing with all the changes that would need to be made, starting with renovating the guest room into a nursery. She sat down on the couch with a sigh. Yawning, she decided she needed a nap. First, though, she needed to talk to Dakota.

She sent him a quick text.Dinner? Tonight?

Her heart seemed to stop as she waited for his reply. Although it was only a couple of minutes, it seemed like forever before her phone buzzed letting her know that he responded.Sure. My place? Seven? I know of a great Mexican place that delivers triple meat fajitas.

She smiled.It’s a date.

Sadie fell asleep on the couch practicing different ways to tell Dakota that he was going to be a father. One thing she would make clear is that he could have as much or as little involvement with the baby’s life as he wanted. She wouldn’t even ask for child support, although she knew he could afford it.

She felt a lot better when she woke up but was startled when she saw that it was three-thirty.

Talia rapped on the front door ten minutes later. She smiled when Sadie greeted her and invited her in. “I noticed that you weren’t at school today. Are you okay?”

Sadie hesitated. She wanted to tell her friend about the baby but decided she needed to talk to Dakota first. “I wasn’t feeling well this morning and was tired. I feel a lot better now. I’ll be back to work tomorrow.”

“Sebastian has a meeting, and Hollie and Owen, his parents, have the baby. Do you want to shift and get some exercise? I haven’t been for so long.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I know that Zac has told you the same thing that Matthias has told us about the hunters.”

Talia nodded. “He has. We’ll be together, be very careful, and make sure to scout the area before we shift. If there’s even a hint of hunters, we’ll just pretend we’re two women out for a walk.”