“I still care about you. With everything that’s happened, I’ve realized how short life is. Please give us another chance.”
Sadie took a step back, creating a physical distance between them. She could feel the eyes of some of the clan members on them.
“Billy, I’m sorry, but no. We aren’t getting back together. I don’t care about you that way. That particular chapter of our lives is closed.”
She tensed, terrified that he was going to make a scene. Instead, Billy just hung his head and walked away. Suddenly, the room was stifling and she couldn’t wait to get back outside and get some fresh air.
Her parents followed. “What was that all about?” her mother asked.
“Billy wants to get back together. I’m not interested.”
She didn’t miss the looks they gave each other and waited for a lecture from them about how she should give him another chance.
“We’re heading toHowlers’if you want to join us,” her father said.
“Are you buying?”
“Yep, they sure are,” Eric said coming up behind them.
“I’m in.”
Her relief was short-lived. As soon as the waitress took their orders her dad looked at her with a mixture of concern and sternness. “We noticed that you’ve been hanging out with Dakota a lot lately.”
“Yes, I have.”
Her mother shook her head. “Why?”
Not wanting a lecture, Sadie told half the truth. “I’m helping him with research on his project.”
Her father stared at her. “The man has always done his own research. Why would he need help now?”
Sadie shrugged. “Ask him.”
Her mother touched her arm. “We aren’t stupid. We know that there is more going on between you two than just research.”
“Fine. We are seeing each other, romantically. I enjoy his company.”
Eric made a face like he was going to be sick. “He’s the same age as Dad.”
Sadie crossed her arms over her chest. “So?”
“That’s a little gross,” her brother replied.
“Not to me. Our age difference isn’t a you problem.”
“There’s also the fact that he won’t be sticking around. You’re only going to be hurt,” her mother said gently.
“I know full well that he isn’t going to stay in Angel’s Creek. He might stay the winter and then he’s going to leave again. He’s never lied to me and told me any differently. My eyes are wide open on this.”
“We don’t approve of your relationship with him.” Her father’s voice was firm. “We’d like you to end it.”
Sadie glared at him. “I’m an adult. I make my own decisions. You no longer get to run my life. Now, either we change the subject or I’m leaving.”
Her parents looked at each other and then started talking about the ceremony. They were smart enough not to bring up Billy because they were fully aware that she wasn’t bluffing. She would walk out if they kept pushing her.
After lunch, she went home and decided to take a nap. She stared at the ceiling. “One thing they were right about. My heart and soul will hurt when he leaves. I’m pretty sure that I was stupid enough to let myself start falling in love with him.”