When they were spent, he collapsed next to her and pulled her into his arms, holding her close to him. Sadie let out a little sigh and snuggled against him.
After several minutes of cuddling, Dakota lightly touched Sadie’s face. “I think we should sleep in the bed in my room. This one is a little messy.”
He smiled when she blushed. “I guess it would be a little uncomfortable to sleep in and I don’t want to go to the night clerk and ask for clean sheets.”
“They probably have that happen more than you think. It is a hotel after all.”
“True enough. Luckily, we have the connecting door so we don’t have to walk outside naked. I don’t feel like getting dressed. Not only would we shock other people, but the cameras would have a field day. I can see the headline now –Media Coordinator from Small Town Angel’s Creek Gone Bad.”
Dakota laughed. “You’d have to pack up and leave town.”
Sadie rolled out of bed and glided through the connecting door. He felt himself starting to get hard again but forced himself to think of trains to calm down. She had been a virgin and wasn’t sure if she could handle another go around.
Once they were snuggled into the bed, with her body curved against his, he brought up her virginity. “You didn’t tell me that you were a virgin.”
“Does it matter?” She turned over to look at him. “I wanted to be with you. Everything felt right. It was perfect for me and I will never have regrets. I’m not asking for tomorrow. I know you aren’t staying in Angel’s Creek and I’m not leaving.”
Dakota felt his heart lurch at her words. He knew it was the truth, but the concept still stung. He gently touched her face. “Carpe diem. Seize the day.”
She smiled at him and then snuggled up against him. Soon, she was asleep. Sadie felt so right in his arms.
He hadn’t been a monk, although he hadn’t been a dog, either. Dakota had been with women who had sexually satisfied him. He grinned and thought,I’ve never had any complaints, either.
Sadie murmured something incoherent in her sleep and then pressed even closer against him.
Something special happened tonight. It was more than getting his dick wet and having an orgasm. He felt a connection between himself and Sadie that was almost spiritual.
He sighed softly and told himself again that he needed to snap out of it.There is an age difference and while Sadie might not have an issue with it, I’ll bet dollars to donuts that her family, especially her father, will have something to say about it, which is a lot of pressure. There are also our different lifestyles. There is no way that we can have any kind of permanent connection. Enjoy your time with her and take memories of her with you when you leave. But there’s no point in falling in love.
Dakota was slightly startled at the idea that he could fall in love with her. Having that level of feelings for a woman had never been part of his plans. It would be like literally having aball and chain around his ankles, keeping him from pursuing his passion. He couldn’t see himself not having the freedom to go where he wanted and doing what he wanted without having to ask someone else for permission.
Finally, he fell asleep. They both slept in late and had to rush around to get dressed and packed in time to leave by the checkout time.
Dakota grinned as he tossed their bags in the back seat of his truck. “I haven’t slept in past seven since I was in my twenties. You’re a bad influence on me.”
“To be fair, this is the first time I’ve slept in this late since I’ve been in my twenties. Maybe you’re the bad influence. You are older than me and you’re supposed to lead by example.”
“Ouch. That hurt. Cut me to my core.”
Sadie giggled. “Somehow, I don’t think so. What are you feeding me for breakfast?”
A million smart ass and dirty thoughts flitted through his brain.I’ve got something I can feed you.
She must have read his thoughts because she shook her head, blushed, and laughed. “I’m talking about real food, like eggs, bacon, orange juice, coffee, and such.”
“Oh, that’s what you want. I suppose we can find something for you.” He rubbed his stomach. “I’m a little hungry, too.”
He drove them to a breakfast restaurant. She ordered an everything omelet, extra bacon, toast, jelly, orange juice, and coffee. Dakota ordered a top sirloin steak and eggs combo with orange juice and coffee.
Sadie talked about the gallery exhibit. “You are going to definitely have to do more of them. Most of your series photos were sold out last night. I think there was one left. There were only a couple of standalones left. You have a magical way of transporting people to those far off lands. I felt as though I wasstanding next to those animals while you were photographing them.”
“I don’t want to oversaturate the market. I probably won’t do a gallery showing in Albuquerque again for a couple of years.”