Their legs brushed together a couple of times and he touched her hand and arm a few times. Each time they touched, Sadie felt as though she melted inside. A million butterflies exploded in her stomach and her heart raced. No man had ever had this kind of impact on her before.

Finally, he yawned and excused himself. “My flight got in early this morning, and I spent several hours at the gallery before driving here. If you’ll excuse me, I have a bed that’s calling my name. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

“Wow. He’s incredibly interesting. I listened to as much of the conversation as I could,” Jade said, wiping down the counter. “I might have to take a day off, grab the kiddos, and visit the high school while he presents.”

“Let me know. I’ll make sure that there’s room for you all. I guess I’d better get back home, too. My bed does sound nice.”

“It does. I’ll be taking off as soon as Sean gets back. I’ll see you later, Sadie.”

“Good night, Jade.”

Sadie lookedat her sandwichand then at her friend, Talia’s bowl. “What did you bring for lunch?”

“I made a tamale pie casserole for dinner last night. Sebastian left enough for the both of us.” Talia pushed a bowl toward Sadie.

Sadie gratefully pushed aside the sandwich and dove into the bowl. “You are such a great cook. I’m surprised that Sebastian hasn’t put on a hundred pounds since your mating ceremony.”

“He works out too much. He runs constantly, goes to the gym, and sometimes goes on those undercover missions.”

Talia’s mate owned a security firm that did anything from acting as bodyguards to installing security systems to running operations for the government and other entities.

“When are you going to find a mate?”

Sadie shook her head. “It’s not that easy for me. Not everyone can come back from college and then hook up with their high school crush, like you and Sebastian.”

Talia grinned. “It’s true. I had a thing for Sebastian since I can remember, but he never knew I existed. I’ll never forget how he introduced himself the day that I moved back home from college.”

“You had gone through an extreme change. You were always pretty, but you came back from college a gorgeous woman.”

“Thank you. But there has to be someone out there for you.”

For some reason, Sadie’s mind briefly flashed back to Dakota and how her body heated up every time they touched. His scent had stayed with her, and she imagined she could smell it on her clothes now.

“There’s no one in Angel’s Creek who interests me.”

“Whatever happened to Billy Murray?” Talia asked, referring to Sadie’s high school boyfriend.

“When we graduated, we realized we wanted different things out of life. He wanted to move to the big city and be a businessman. I wanted to go to college and then come back to Angel’s Creek and do exactly what I’m doing. I was so excited that the previous media coordinator, Mrs. Carson, decided to retire just as I was graduating from college.”

Sadie took a bite of the tamale pie and moaned with the spicy goodness of the dish. “Billy went his way and I went mine. It was an amicable breakup, and I haven’t heard from him sincethen. His parents always go to our bear shifter clan meetings, ceremonies, etc., but he never comes back.”

“Didn’t you date anyone in college?”

“A few people, but nothing serious. I’m happy being an old maid. I have the books and the kids. When I retire, I’ll spend my days sitting on my back porch, sipping sweet iced tea, reading books and maybe even writing some of my own. I won’t have anyone to answer to. If I need to spoil children, I’ll just visit your house.”

Talia laughed.

“Changing the subject, you’ll never guess who I ran into last night atHowlers’.”

Talia raised her eyebrows. “Who?”

“Dakota Higgins.”

“The Dakota Higgins?”

“Yep. I have a meeting with Principal Jones after lunch to schedule a time when he can come and speak to the kids.”

“That will be amazing. I’ve read all his books and seen his documentaries. He does incredible work. I know he’s a member of my pack, but I’ve never met him.”