Page 96 of Malcolm

“Lanias, stop messing with him,” Sabina chastised her before she turned to Coral. “Can you tap into the roots around the property and keep a lookout for anything odd.”

Coral gave a short nod before leaving the main hall, not once looking at the Guardsmen who tried to look intimidating in the large doorway.

Facing her sister once more, Sabina added, “Our best bet is to pool our resources and prepare to fight. No matter what, we must protect Eliza and the people here. No one asked for this to happen to them.”

Eliza wanted to smack herself for playing the pathetic victim. She didn’t need protecting; they did. Everyone here was gearing up to fight an enemy they didn’t understand. She’d only glimpsed him once, and that one time had been enough to terrify even her.

“Malcolm, who are these people?” Roberts's voice caused her to look up time to see him enter. As usual, he carried himself like a warrior. Even when he wore regular human clothes. “Maria noticed you’d returned and came to get me. What’s going on?”

Malcolm faced him. “These are the people I work with and their mates.” He motioned to the guys, who gave short nods. “They came to find me after I returned to the human world. It would appear the culprit behind the youth’s disappearances was someone we’d already been looking into.”

“And who is that?” Robert probed. “The other Alphas are also interested in this issue. After you left, I questioned them, and they said they’d been losing teens at a high rate as well. Though only two knew of their previous Alpha’s working to cover it up.”

Malcolm sighed, looking away from Roberts's troubled gaze. “All we know is that he’s called his lordship. When we first met him, he was experimenting with dub witches like Eliza and trying to turn them into Numb witches.”

Tiller cut in, “He’s not once let slip a clue to who he may be. We’ve run into his underlings but nothing more. The closest we have to any information about him is that he’s dangerous andnot someone who’ll be easily caught. My theory is he is someone high up in the Council.”

“Really, I wish I felt surprised, but I don’t; the only thing I wonder is why he would take werewolves. I know he was experimenting on shifters, but werewolves? Why?” Lanias added her two cents.

Eliza stiffened; facing this many people, she almost didn’t want to speak. If she told them all she knew, they’d try to stop his Lordship and she’d hate to see the people who’d done so much for her get hurt. She glanced up at Malcolm and bit her bottom lip.

She could do this.

She could defeat the enemy and gain revenge for those who’d suffered at the hands of the monster’s plan.

“Eliza.” Hearing her name, she looked over to Lanias. “Do you have an apartment or room? I suddenly feel sleepy beyond belief.” She released a yawn as she stood. "Transporting so many people really got to me.”

Surprised by Lanias’ sudden request for a bed, she stuttered a bit before answering. “I-I mean, I have my own cabin, so you can sleep there.”

Rising to her feet, Lanias nodded. “Okay, Sabina, Oye, and Lydia let’s leave the men to talk. I’m sure they have some misogynistic battle plan to make up.”

Before Eliza could say another word, Lanias was at her side. Taking her arm, she gently pulled her from Malcolm's side. “I’m sure you’re just as tired as I am,” she glanced at Eliza’s stomach. “Your wound isn’t even fully healed yet.”

As she began to drag Eliza away, the others followed. Oye and Sabina offered a few words to their men before they followed Lanias out. When they passed by, the crowd in the mess hall parted like the Red Sea.

Once they stepped outside, Sabina released a surprised exclamation: “Look at those stars. It’s rare to see a view like this in Veil City.”

“You’re right.” Oye got rid of her scythe by letting it melt into her hand. “It’s really pretty here.”

The two continued talking, catching up on how life had been treating them over the last few months as they walked along. Lydia's eyes were focused on the Game Boy in her hands.

“You know, you shouldn’t do that.”

Startled, Eliza jerked her head up and scrutinized Lanias’ face, but the woman wasn’t looking at her. “You shouldn’t blame yourself for any of this, it’s not your fault.”

Eliza pondered her for a time before she looked away. “If I hadn’t roped him into my life, his people wouldn’t have ever gotten attacked. I should have left as soon as I got here, like I planned to. At least if anyone was going to get hurt it would be…the monster who killed her own kind with her bare hands.”

“You’re not the only one who has the blood of other witches on your hands,” Lanias said softly, her eyes dark as she stared ahead. “No one here hasn’t had to make a choice between their life or another’s.”

Eliza wanted to ask her who she’d had to kill. She wanted to know more about this woman, who’d been so cocky in front of the others only to now wear an expression of deep regret. She couldn’t recognize the current Lanias who walked alongside her.

“Plus, you’re from Veil City, a city built for and by monsters,” Lanias added. She glanced over her shoulder. “You’re not the only baddie on the block.”

Eliza stared at her before she finally asked, “Why did you come to find me?”

Lanias frowned, “Because you’re one of my witches.”

“No, before. Why did you come looking for me the first time?” Eliza asked, stopping them both. “I could neverunderstand just why I was so important that you had to come and get me yourself. I heard from the other witches that you sent representatives to bring them to the shade, but with me, you came yourself. Why?”