Page 55 of Malcolm

Malcolm sighed. “I can’t even trust my own uncle to not bet on official business?’

“Official business? Don’t be a jackass,” Robert said, looking away and spotting Gregory waving toward him. “Well, it looks like it’s time for you to go fight.” He mocked sniffled. “Baby boy’s all grown up.”

“Call me a baby again, and I’ll knock you on your ass,” Malcolm growled as he headed down. Once he reached the bottom, he could feel the glares of Kirkle and his entourage. “Well, it would appear the Aldermen aren’t happy that I’m healthy and looking dashing in the McLaren plaid.”

“Yep, they definitely want you dead,” Robert said, taking his cloak. “Are you ready?”

Malcolm rolled his shoulder.

A part of his excitement stemmed from the obvious low expectations the McLarens had for him, some of them probably assuming that Veil City had taken his edge. “Don’t worry, this won’t take too long.”

Moving onto the sand, the crowd’s excited shouts filled his ears. But his eyes were on one person. When their gaze met, he knew she saw what others did not: the beast that stirred beneath. The one willing to tear her monsters apart, real or unseen.

“Your uncle has controlled the Aldermen long enough,” Dannith hissed, drawing his attention away. His eyes were similar to Kirkle’s, brown and beady filled with maliciousness. “I’ve every intention of winning.”

“Mm, I like a wolf who thinks positively,” Malcolm said as they circled one another. Malcolm watched Dannith shift back and forth, spotting when his hand moved to his side and mentally sighed.

Tricks such as the use of secretly hidden weapons weren’t nearly as surprising as they should be.

When Dannith rushed him, he spun out of the way and watched as he nearly ran into the crowd. “Come now, you’ve got to be better than that if you want to take me down.”

Dannith growled and attacked once more; lunging as if to claw him across the abdomen, only he slipped out a short knife at the last minute.

Malcolm brought his fist down hard on the back of his neck; Dannith released a short grunt as Malcolm grabbed him by the neck and raised his knee slamming it into his stomach, grabbing his shoulder, he flipped him on his back.

The crowd hushed, as he wiped the sweat off his brow. “It’s a good thing our kind heal fast, now. Get up.”

Dannith shakenly stood his pupils dilated with shock. Like everyone else, he’d assumed the wolf from the city would be easy to beat, but he and everyone else had no idea of Malcolm's fighting experience. In the veil he’d learned what it meant to fight to the death.

Dannith eyes narrowed. “You—you! Outsider,” he bellowed as he ran at Malcolm.

Malcolm jumped high, flipping midair, he landed lightly behind Dannith. And grinned, exposing his lengthening canines.

“Don’t tell me that’s all you have?”

Malcolm placed a hand on his shoulder, only for him to turn around again and try to stab him once more in the stomach. He flinched, his nose wrinkling as he looked at the knife that hit his hand. “This again, aren’t you tired yet.” He grabbed the short blade and brought his elbow down on the Dannith’s back.

“Malcolm,” Eliza called.

He half-turned and met Eliza's fearful gaze. He smiled, lifting his hand holding the blade, and letting it drop. Seeing the weapon, her eyes widened, but she visibly relaxed, seeing that he was fine.

Turning back to Dannith, who was now on his knees, his mouth twisted.

“A werewolf is only to use his body for these challenges, but I won’t call this fight off,” he said, approaching Dannith he knelt and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I learned a lot when I was banished. One of those things was that no one can be trusted,not when fighting.” His claws extended and he buried them in his shoulder, he ignored the other painful cries.

Yanking his hand back, he stood and sighed, turning to Robert. “It would seem that Kirkle’s son isn’t able to continue.”

“Die,” Dannith bellowed as he suddenly stood.

Malcolm half-turned, expecting to see him running at him but he wasn’t running for him but for Eliza. Kirkle’s sons reared his back before slinging three blades at her.

As if in slow motion, he watched them fly at her, even as he ran towards her he wasn’t moving fast enough. Just as the blade passed the railing, a bright light flashed. A wall of light held the three blades still in the air, and behind her were two wings that spread out as if to protect those behind her.

Eventually the wall fell away like water, and the wings disappeared as fast as they appeared. But the audience had already seen it and felt the power pouring off Eliza. Her brown eyes sparkled like fire before they resettled into brown.

She didn’t say anything as she stood and walked towards the bar. Her eyes were cold as she stared Dannith down. “You’ve violated the rules.” With a chilly tone she spoke causing those near her to instinctually show their necks as the pressure from her aura suppressed them.

Malcolm walked up calmly, and grabbed the stunned werewolf by the shoulders, turning him around. With a change in his expression, he grabbed Dannith’s head and pulled with all his might. The sound of tearing flesh and breaking of bone was music to his ears, he stared into the shocked eyes of the now dead Dannith. The body, now without a head, hit the ground.