“You are ready.”Eliza felt her body shudder as she felt the goddess's presence inside her.“It is time to leave.”
Eliza watched as a spinning light appeared in front of her, spiraling in fragments until it turned into a book that floated before him. “I’m going to end this tonight and no one’s going to get in the way of my revenge,” she muttered as she placed her hand on it.
Raising her head, she met Lanias's frustrated stare through the arms she’d raised to block the growing wind coming from her. “I’ve decided I don’t want to be protected; I don’t need it.”
“Dammit, don’t do this, Eliza.” Lanias quickly sent one of her shadow tendrils to lash around her ankle.
“Too late,” Eliza taunted, just as her body was wrapped in bright light and she disappeared.
“Sabina,” Lanias shouted, tossing a coin towards her. “Carry that it will keep track of me and—" Her words were abruptly cut off when she disappeared.
“Lanias? Eliza?” Sabina staggered forward once the powerful wind that had spun up around Eliza had dropped; blankly, she stared at where they’d just been. “What just happened?”
“I want to know the same thing,” Oye complained, cursing as she pressed a hand against her forehead where a rock had cut it. “Dammit, one minute she was fine, and the next she snapped.”
Lydia winced from where she’d been thrown when the magic of Elizas had shoved her down; coming to her feet, she grumbled. “I think we should go back; we need to tell the others what happened.”
“Let’s hurry,” Oye said, glancing at Sabina’s hand where she held a coin, “We don’t know how long the Magic will last on that.”
Together, the three quickly went back to the Main Hall.
“Why did you come with me?”Eliza demanded the minute she stepped out of the light.
Lanias staggered forward beside her, placing her hands on her knees. She tried to catch her breath. “You thought you were just going to make that announcement and disappear.” She straightened and shot Eliza an annoyed look. “You’re not a teenager, don’t be so reckless.”
Eliza glared at her. “I’m not being reckless. I’m going to end this." She raised her hand, a shiny ball of light radiating at the center of it. “I’m more than capable.”
“Oh, is that right?”
Both of them whipped around to see a stranger standing before a large window. Behind him, they could see a thick forest, but what caught their attention was the large structure that rosehigh above it. Large rings crossed above a large pillar in the center. The pillars themselves were shell pink.
Eliza started in a stunned voice. “Is that?—”
“Magic Stone,” Lanias finished.
“That’s probably what they needed the werewolves for,” Lanias mused out loud. “They’re the only beings that can mine magic stones or be around it for long periods of time without them being cleansed first.”
“Of course, the fourth demon of Veil City figure it out with only a small glimpse.” The cloaked stranger cackled. “Well, since you know what it is, why not tell me what its function is?” they queried as they raised up a book.
Eliza immediately fixed her gaze on it.
“If you tell me, I’ll give you this book. This is what you came for, right,” they added.
Eliza stepped forward. “You’re the one behind all this,” she accused, simultaneously firing off a spell.
“Eliza, no,” Lanias shouted.
Before Eliza could dodge, a black spell slammed into her stomach, and she flew back. Lanias ripped the shadows from the walls, quickly maneuvering them to catch her midair. With her safely wrapped in their grip, she slowly lowered her down.
“Hot-headed and stupid, as most of you diluted bastards are.” His Lordship yanked his hood back. He grinned; his eyes completely void of emotion aside from a trace of sick narcissism and pleasure. “To think, you believe your realm to be superior.”
Eliza and Lanias froze at the sight of his face, both of them recognizing him from posters all over the city. Golden locs framed a handsome yet weathered face. Many had admired his never-fading handsome looks, so much so that he’d earned the title “Golden Councilman.”
“Legolas?” Lanias whispered in shock.
Releasing a high-pitched screeching laughter, he lifted the book and lit it on fire. Those golden eyes bled black, reflecting the flickering flame, and his rosy pale skin changed to a deathly white color as the golden blonde locs slowly stained with black. “My plan is near fruition, so which one of you will be my key? I have plotted for many years to get home, and those Unseelie tell me both of you have traits perfect to be my sacrifice.”
Lanias braced herself, along with Eliza, who’d finally regained her strength. “Looks like we don’t have a choice now,” she groused.